Wellingborough News, 9th September 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
HOSPITAL WEEK MOVEMENTThe above movement though late has been taken up with praise-worthy energy this year, a very zealous committee, with the Rev. Canon Barker president, and Mr. J. Warren secretary, having engaged to do the work, and as the result of their appeal £28 5s. 8½d. has been collected. Of this £15 has been sent as a subscription from the Rushden Club and Reading-room, and letters are to be taken to that amount for the use of the inhabitants or such of them as may want them, the letters to be in the names of the president and secretary. The remainder was sent to the committee of the Northampton Hospital Week Fund. The amount is £4 in excess of any previous year.
Wellingborough News, 4th August 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
HOSPITAL WEEK It is customary, and has been several years, to make a house to house collection Rushden on behalf of the Northampton Infirmary, collections being also made at the shoe factories, many of the persons employed in them being householders. A printed appeal is at every house in the parish, stating the, act and date of the collection; and for collecting purposes the parish is divided into 19 or 20 districts. It being announced that a considerable portion of the amount collected would be used to obtain letters for the Infirmary no difficulty was found in obtaining contributions, the general experience of the collectors being that whatever is given is given cheerfully, so as to make the task of collection a pleasant one, the refusals being exceedingly rare. This year the collection was made on Saturday July 21st, when the amount realised was £30 14s. 4d., an increase of nearly £3 upon the previous. The only expense was 8s. 6d. for printing, and the balance £11 7s. 10d. was sent to the Hospital Committee, the remaining £18 18s. being forwarded as a subscription to the Northampton Infirmary. This subscription is sent in the name of Rushden Club and Reading-room, with which club the movement in Rushden originated, and the committee of which is the recognised Hospital Week Committee of the parish.
The Rushden Echo, 13th January 1928, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Risdene Vagabonds Concert Party gave a concert at the Co-operative Hall on Tuesday in aid of the Rushden Hospital Week Committee’s funds. The items were all much appreciated by the fair company present.
Rushden Echo, 14th July 1916, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden Hospital Week Fund - Largest Amount Ever Raised Over £180
The annual meeting of the committee and collectors was held in the Free Library on Friday evening last. The Rector (the Rev. Percy Robson) presided, and there were present: Messrs. J. Claridge, J.P., C.C. and J. T. Colson (hon. Secretaries), W. B. Madin (auditor), Panter, Harlow, Page, Scrimshaw, Bryan, Miller, Smith, Hardwick, Hyde, Hills and Baxter.
Mr. Claridge presented the accounts, showing collections from house-to-house £48/6/7, from factories, £92/14/5½, schools, £2/7/7½. There was a balance in hand of ½. There was a balance in hand of 31/2/5. And the Charity Trustees gave £10/0/0, making the total receipts £183/5/7, the largest amount ever received. The expenses of the collections, etc., were £1/5/6.
The Chairman moved the adoption of the accounts, which he considered very satisfactory. The resolution was carried.
It was decided to send £5/5/0 to Bedford Hospital, and to increase the Northampton Hospital gift to £63. Messrs. Hill, Page, and Baxter were added to the committee.
Rushden Echo, 12th July 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
Hospital CollectionsThe annual meeting of the Hospital Week Fund Committee and collectors was held at the Library on Friday evening last, the Rev. C. J. Keeler (chairman of the committee) in the chair. There were present the Rev. P. E. Robson, Messrs. Taylor, Perkins, Panter, Holmer, W. Hyde, Harlow, Scrimshaw, A. Short, H. Page and John
Rushden Echo, 12th July 1918
Mr. J. T. Colson, chairman of the Rushden Education Committee, who met with a cycling mishap a fortnight ago, injuring his ankle, is now making progress towards recovery.
Claridge, J.P., C.C. (hon.sec.). Mr. J. T. Colson (joint hon. Sec.) was unable to attend, owing to the effects of an accident. Mr. Claridge congratulated the committee and collectors on the excellent result of their efforts, as follows: Factory collection £119 5s. 5d., house-to-house collection £50 0s. 4d., schools £3 1s. 3d., total £172 7s. This is an increase of about £14 on the previous year, when a record sum was raised. The rector moved a hearty vote of thanks to the committee and collectors for the good work they had done, which was seconded by the Chairman and carried. It was resolved that the following sums be granted: Northampton General Hospital, 50 guineas; Bedford County Hospital, 10 guineas; Hunstanton Convalescent Home, 3 guineas, Devonshire Hospital, Buxton, 3 guineas. A long discussion took place regarding the provision of a Cottage Hospital at Rushden as a war memorial.
Rushden Echo, 7th April, 1933, transcribed by Gill Hollis
26,000 Eggs Given In County Appeal
Rushden’s Great Hospital Effort
Last Year’s Record Exceeded by 5,000
Rushden’s annual effort in connection with the Northampton General Hospital’s Egg Week realised the magnificent total of 26,717 eggs, which represents an increase of about 5,000 over last year.
Of this total 26,088 were given by factories through the Trades Hospital Fund and 629 through the Rushden Hospital Week Committee.
This record total represents a magnificent effort on behalf of the townspeople, and gives Rushden easily first place in this annual hospital effort in the county.
The eggs were received at the St. John Ambulance headquarters, Station-road, on Friday afternoon and evening and Saturday morning last week, by willing helpers, who were under the direction of the two secretaries, Miss A. M. Sharwood, for the Trades Hospital Fund and Miss E. Claridge (Hospital Week Committee).
On Saturday afternoon they were conveyed to Northampton in vans kindly lent by Messrs. John White, Ltd., and Messrs. Fred Corby, Ltd.
Last year 21,204 eggs were sent from Rushden, but it was soon evident on Friday that last year’s record would be overtaken, for by Friday morning over 19,000 had been received at the depot and boxes were still coming in rapidly.
“Good Cheer,” “Good Luck,” and “May you soon be better,” were some of the messages which accompanied the consignments.