A Painful Accident occurred at Messrs. Radburn and Bennett’s factory on Friday last to Mrs. Underwood, of 53, Sartoris-road, Rushden, who, whilst working an embossing machine, had the misfortune to get her right hand badly crushed. Assistance was soon forthcoming, and the poor woman’s hand was released from the machine. First aid was ably rendered by Mr. A. Thompson, of the St. John Ambulance Corps, who was fetched from Mr. Duncan’s factory, and subsequently Mrs. Underwood was conveyed by motor to Dr. Baker’s surgery, where after her injuries had been examined, the doctor advised her removal to the County Hospital, whither she was conveyed by motor car. Inquiries on Monday elicited the information that it had been found necessary to amputate the third and fourth fingers to the second knuckle, and that Mrs. Underwood is progressing favourably.