Thursday, May 25th. Present : Messrs. W H Wilkinson (chairman), H. Brawn, G. Denton, H. Sparrow, F. Knight, J. Bush, H. Sartoris, J. Claridge, G. S. Mason (clerk), and W. Pare (surveyor).
Waterworks.The Chairman reported that Mr. Shardlo would be ready to commence work in connection with the waterworks the week after next.
Sewage.The Chairman reported that correspondence had taken place with Messrs. Ratford, of Nottingham, and McCullum, of Manchester, as to the best means of disposing of the sewage of the town. Those gentlemen would shortly visit the district, and report.
Application granted.The Chairman reported that the Highways Committee had decided to let Mr. Amos Wright construct a "drawing-in" at his factory in Fitzwilliam-street, conditionally upon his putting the adjoining ground in proper repair.
Rock Estate Roads.Tenders were opened for the construction of these roads as follows: Mr. T. Wilmott, £1,860; Mr. F. Barlow (Rothwell), £1,500; Mr. Hall (Rugby), £1,850; Mr. Truman (Swanley, Kent), £1,887 5s.; and Mr. R. Marriott (Rushden), £2,080.On the proposition of Mr. Denton, seconded by Mr. Sparrow, it was decided that Mr. Barlow's tender be accepted, conditionally upon a loan being obtained for the same.It was further decided, upon the proposition of Mr. Claridge, seconded by Mr. Sparrow, that a loan of £2,000 be applied for, repayable in two years, on behalf of the Rock Estate roads.
As regarded the Newton-road improvement, it was decided to obtain a loan of £500 (for as long a period as the Local Government Board would admit), this being carried, on the proposition of Mr. Sartoris, seconded by Mr. Denton.
Application from Wymington.A letter was read from the Rev. C. E. Drew, of Wymington, on behalf of the Parochial Sanitary Committee, asking the Board to supply that parish with water from the new waterworks, and stating upon what terms.The Chairman commended the Wymington people for going in for a water supply, and said that no doubt the Board would favourably consider the question, but as to terms he thought at present that was rather premature.The Board concurred, and the Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Drew to this effect.