Wellingborough & Kettering News, November 26th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins
Rushden, Northamptonshire.
Messrs. Pendered and Son,
ARE favoured with instructions from H. Currie, Esq. to SELL BY AUCTION, on Tuesday, 29th November, 1881, 14 ASH TREES, 6 WALNUT TREES, and large arms, 6 ELM TREES, 1 OAK, and 17 Ash and other Doddrells, and the Lop and Top, lying on the Rushden House Estate, near to the residence on the Wymington-road.
The Ash Trees are of fine quality, and include several of great length and good dimensions; one of the Walnut Trees is very large and hearty, the others of good dimensions.
Company to meet in Paddock, adjoining the Entrance Drive, at Twelve o'clock, noon.