Rushden Echo, 27th March 1925, transcribed by Kay Collins
Factory Employees’ WelfareThe bowling green and tennis courts which are being provided on the initiative of Mr Wilfrid E Capon (managing director of the firm of Messrs John Cave and Sons Ltd) with the concurrence of his co-directors, for the use of the employees of the firm, are now nearing completion, and an inspection of the grounds this week by a Rushden Echo representative thoroughly warrants the welcome given in these columns to the scheme when it was first mooted. The bowling green will be 40 yards square, and the two tennis courts will be 32 yards by 28 yards. The ground has been properly drained, and , judging from the progress made on the greens, the turf will all be well laid by Easter, so that by Whitsuntide it will be in a fair condition for the purposes of sport. Our representative was interested to learn that the workpeople are entering into the spirit of the enterprise enthusiastically, and at least 50 of the employees have already joined the tennis club. The committee of the factory employees are arranging for teas on Sunday afternoons, and, judging from the enthusiasm thus displayed, the firm will be well repaid for their generosity and forethought. Around the tennis courts and bowling-green there is sufficient room for seats to be placed, and, as the club get to work and funds are available, the grounds will improve in appearance, and it is confidently anticipated that many pleasant Saturday afternoons and evenings during the summer months will be spent there. It will be recalled that The Rushden Echo, when the scheme was first mentioned, emphasised the generous spirit displayed by Mr Capon, who was well backed up by his two co-directors, and we are sure the employees appreciate his initiative.
Rushden Echo, 26th February 1926, transcribed by Kay Collins
Bucking-up Tennis at Rushden Arranging a Competition
Convened by the Commonwealth Sports Club (formed by Messrs John Cave and Sons, Ltd, Rushden) a meeting of the various tennis clubs representative of Rushden was held at Messrs J Cave and Sons’ premises on Wednesday evening to discuss the question of competing for a shield which had been kindly presented by Mr W E Capon. The donor of the gift is the managing director of Messrs John Cave and Sons Ltd.
Mr J Austin, works manager, presided, and outlined the idea of the gift, and said it was considered that tennis needed more “bucking-up” in Rushden. The inducement of winning a shield would be a good impetus to the game. The best form of competing for the shield could be decided by the tennis club members, and that meeting was asked to consider ways and means.
Mr W Barker (Stonehurst Club) moved thanks to Mr Capon for his generosity in providing the shield and proposed that the gift be accepted.
Mr Ingle (Town) seconded, and it was carried.
Mr Ingle further suggested that a league be formed, and added that his club would be pleased to enter any competition for the shield. He personally would be pleased to give all the help he could to support so good a scheme for the benefit of the town. Rushden was practically the only place in the county to offer such encouragement to young people to take up tennis.
In the discussion which followed some representatives expressed the fear that the Town Club members would be too strong for other players.
Mr D Bugby (Town) also approved of the competition.
Mr Austin (Mission) considered a town league would be the best form of competition.
Mr G E Bayes (Baptist) moved that the matter be adjourned so that the tennis players could be consulted by the representatives at that meeting.
Mr S Palmer (Stonehurst) seconded and it was carried.
Of the ten clubs invited, all were either represented or interested in the new competition.
Rushden Echo & Argus, 27th January 1939, transcribed by Kay Collins
Gift for Secretary - Mr Albert Dickens Honoured at Commonwealth Sports Social
Mr Albert Dickens, secretary of the Commonwealth Sports and Social Club (Messrs. John Cave and Sons), was presented with a bowls case and measure by Councillor W E Capon (managing director), the president of the club, at the annual tea, social and dance on Friday last.
For the first time in its history, the club held its annual gathering in the new year instead of before Christmas owing to pressure of work.
In the chair was Councillor Capon, supported by Mrs. Capon and Mr H Tysoe (works manager). A hundred members and friends sat down to a meat tea.
In a speech of welcome to the guests, Councillor Capon stressed the value of co-operation in the firm, saying they were one of the leading manufacturers in the town, and their boots were known all over the world. He expressed a belief in freedom of trade among all nations.
Mr F Prickett, captain of the bowls team, thanked the president for his interest in the work and social life of the employees.
Mrs Capon was thanked by Mr H Tysoe, and then presented the bowls and tennis awards.
Entertainment was supplied during the evening by Miss Dorothy Ellis’s Concert Party, Mr Twistleton, Northampton (musical entertainer) and R Barker’s Dance Band, Rushden. Mr C Barker was M.C.
All arrangements were made by the Sports Club committee.
Prize winners were as follows: Bowls section: rinks winners, F Brown, J Barnett, E Hale, W Woods (skip), runners up, A Stapleton, J Childs, B White, R Copperwheat and S Tomkins; singles, A Maddams, runner-up, R Copperwheat.
Tennis section: ladies’ singles, Miss F Clarke, runner-up, Miss M Panter; ladies’ handicap, Miss M Maddams; runner-up, Miss K Knight; mixed doubles, Miss E Clarke and Mr J Keys, runners-up, Miss K Knight and Mr D Whitehead; gents’ singles, Mr D Whitehead; runner-up, Mr B Burt; gents’ handicap, Mr R Pendered, runner-up, Mr D Whitehead.