Rushden Echo & Argus, 17th March 1944, transcribed by Kay Collins
G.L.B. JubileeSunday was the Silver Jubilee anniversary of the Rushden Methodist Girls’ Brigade Company, and in the evening the company, with the 1st Rushden Boys’ Brigade, paraded to the Park-road Methodist Church, where the colours were presented. Many past members, including most of the former officers, were present. The Scripture lessons were read by the present Captain, Miss Florence Bayes, and L/Cpl Tebbutt. Another member, Pauline Smith, gave a solo. The opening hymn was “Will your anchor hold?” and the minister of the church, the Rev N P Goldhawk, who conducted the service, based his address on the text from Hebrew, “We have an anchor.” (An anchor is the emblem of the Brigade). The collection was taken by the girls, and the organist was Mr A Hazeldine.