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Rushden Echo and Argus, Friday, November 21, 1947
Transcribed by Greville Watson 2011
Rushden Couple 50 Years Wed
Celebrate with party

A golden wedding anniversary party was held at the Masonic Hall, Rushden, on Saturday, for Mr and Mrs Charles Childs, of 4, Factory Place, Bedford Road, Rushden.

Mr Childs and Miss Laura Sears were married on Nov. 12th 1897, and both are life-long residents of the town.

A former finisher in the boot and shoe trade, Mr Childs was with Messrs Wm. Green and Sons for 20 years, and Sanders and Sanders - from whose employ he retired 18 months ago - for five years.

Keen on flower cultivation, he has been an exhibitor at many local shows and is a member of the Athletic Club.

Mrs Childs has been a member of the women's section of the British Legion for several years.

The couple are 74 and 69 years of age and have eight children, 14 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

The sons and daughters are Mrs G. Cooling, Mrs K. Hopper, Mr H. Childs, Mrs D. Penn, Mr V. Childs, Mr E Childs, Mr R. Childs and Mrs M. More.

Seventy guests attended Saturday's party. There was a programme of dancing and games, and individual items by Mrs F. Colgrave (pianist), Mabel Fields and Mr W. Burt (soloists), and the Welsford sisters (dancers).

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