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Rushden - People & Families

Amy Savage
William Sparkes - footman at Rushden House
Granny Hensman 100th birthday

The names of people and families is not an exclusive list. These pages give personal details, stories to capture parts of the town's history, and reflect the age in which the people lived. If stories are not set down, they only live on in the memory of friends and relatives and will ultimately be lost. We can only feature those on whom we have details, so please help us to preserve the precious memories. If you have friends and family who you feel could be included, please get in touch.

Click on a link below, or use the Site Search facility

People by Surnames

Birthdays Emigrants
Index of Birthday Celebrations Emigration - mainpage
GI Brides' Parents' Association
Families Brides of U.S. & Canadian Soldiers
Index of Families 'Russians' meet in Australia 1947
'Rushdenites' meet - Bermuda 1928

Celebrations - Wedding & Anniversary Groups
Index of Wedding Reports Rushden Men in Canada 1912
Index of Gold & Diamond Weddings Rushden Veterans 1906
Christmas Weddings
Wedding Gift Lists House & Home & Fashion

Silk Stocking Secrets
Obituaries, Inquests, etc. Gas Cooker Exhibition 1898
Index of Obituaries Home Hints 1930
Inquests Index (N'pton Mercury reports) House Transformed 1959
Deceased's Creditors & Debtors
Local Authors
Memories Writers and Poets
see History section - Life in Rushden
Snippets from the Newspapers
Autograph Collection? "Peeps" Into Other Days (photos)
“Ole Tom” has the Electric Light Treats for the Poor
Letter survives plane crash 1954

Unidentified Photographs - Help needed!
INDEX Gallery

Even if you don't feel that the story of your family has much significance, or not enough to be featured here, but you have memories of Rushden as it was in the last century, please consider setting them down for us, or recording an interview. Maybe you can tell us the things you remember most about the town: the factories, the shops, the fairs, schools, sports, pubs and clubs, travelling by bus and train - to name but a few. To read what others have already contributed, look also at the memories in the History, Education and Shoe Trade sections.

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