Rushden Echo, 13th December 1912
Councillor F. Ballard
Pleasing Present Honoured by the C.W.S. Departments
The heads of different departments at the C.W.S. factory presented Mr. Frank Ballard yesterday with a handsome grandfather’s clock.
Mr. L. Tysoe (Mr. Ballard’s successor) presided, and said they were losing not a tyrannical employer but a friend. (Applause) He assured Mr. Ballard that the present was a mark of their sincere good wishes. He cordially invited Mr. Ballard to visit the works whenever he chose in the future. (Applause)
The presentation was made by the foreman of the making department (Mr. A. H. Endersby), who said that ever since Mr. Ballard had been head of the works 13 years ago he had worked in a most friendly way. On behalf of his colleagues he expressed regret at the resignation of Mr. Ballard and hoped he would have a bright and happy future. (Applause)
Mr. Ballard, in response, thanked everybody for their splendid present, which he should value most highly. It was pleasant to think that he had made friends in the carrying out of his duty. He thanked Mr. Tysoe for his invitation, of which he (Mr. Ballard) would be pleased to take advantage. He would always take an interest in the works and trusted the future would be brighter than the past.
Mr. Durham said that if the presentation was somewhat premature it was because they wanted the gift to be a surprise.