The Marriage took place on Tuesday at St Mary’s Church of Second-Lieut. Charles Harold Clark, R.F.A., eldest son of Mr and Mrs Chas. Clark, of Wellingtonia, Irchester-road, and Miss Kathleen Ette, second daughter of Mr and Mrs Chas. Ette, Newton-road. The Rector (Rev P E Robson) officiated. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attended by her sister, Miss Lilian Ette. Second-Lieut. Tom Clark, M.G.C. (brother of the bridegroom), acted as beat man. Both bride and bridegroom are well known in the town. The bridegroom joined the Colours early in the war and saw much stiff fighting, taking part in many noted engagements. The bride is the secretary of the Town Tennis Club, and is a well known hockey player and motor cyclist. Many beautiful presents were received.
Note: Charles and Kathleen lived at 'Herradura' next door to 'Wellingtonia' in Irchester Road.
Kathleen Ette in 1914
Sgt W D Tull & Sgt C H V Clark
The Rushden Echo, 13th August, 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Two Pals in Khaki
An interesting photograph taken whilst on leave in Rushden of Sergt. W. D. Tull, of the 17th Middlesex (Footballers' Battalion), and Sergt. Gunnery Instructor C. H. V. Clark, of the R.F.A., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark, of "Wellingtonia," Irchester-road, Rushden.
Both are well-known in Rushden, Sergt. Tull being Northampton's right half-back.
Sergt. Clark's younger brother, Gunner Tom Clark, has been at the front for some time past with the Motor Machine Gun Section. He took part in the battle of Hill 60, and at that time an interesting account of the engagement from the pen of Gunner Clark was published exclusively in our columns.
Rushden Echo, 12th April 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
At Home—A fortnight ago we published the news that Second-Lieutenant Charles H. Clark, of the Trench-Mortar Section, R.F.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark, of “Wellingtonia,” Rushden, has been wounded and was in hospital at reading. He is now about again, and has been able to visit Rushden this week.