The marriage of Mr. Reginald Alfred Cooch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Cooch, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A., formerly of Rushden, to Miss Florence Bridgeford, of Cambridge-road, Ann Arbor, late of 92 Washbrook-road, Rushden, took place at Michigan on Wednesday, June 27th. A correspondent writes:
At the celebration of the Zal Gas Grotto Masonic Order on June 27th a large crowd of people gathered to see the feature of the evening, this being a public wedding of two young Ann Arbor persons, the names being kept secret until the evening of the event. The chairman, Mr. Fred Hensel, was assisted by the following committee: The Rev. J. A. Rowe, Messrs. Allan Stanchfield, Calvin Wolfe, W. P. Purfield, Charles Hanson, Eugene Stein, Clarence Shankland, W. C. Johnson, and Ralph Yeisley. These made all the arrangements, which were very successful. The happy couple were Mr. Reginald A. Cooch and Miss Florence B. Bridgeford. The ceremony was most impressive, being a double ring ceremony. The Rev. J. A. Rowe officiated. Over 3,000 people gathered inside the big circus tent, and it was estimated that over 2,000 were unable to gain admittance. The merchants and officials of Ann Arbor took the matter up with great enthusiasm, and presented the gifts to the bride and bridegroom: marriage licence, certificate, and guest-book, the County Clerk; and a, large number of useful gifts from all the principal merchants of the city.
The following evening Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Couch held a reception at their home on South State-street, the lawn being lit up with Japanese lanterns on the trees.
Dancing and old-time games were played, over 100 persons being present, and various gifts were made to the bride and groom. At about 10p.m. about 25 farmers from miles around came and gave the couple an old-time shivaree. This consists of about six circular saws on a rod, and they beat them with hammers, revolvers, shot-guns, and every other kind of thing that will make a noise; this they keep up until the bride and groom bring out the refreshments to drink their health. Then an all-round "volley," and "Good luck to the bride and groom," followed by "Good night!" Over 120 wedding presents were received.
The wedding is to go down in the records of the Masonic Order of Ann Arbor.