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Rushden Echo & Argus, 9th June 1944, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. and Mrs. John Cross
Diamond Wedding - Natives of Podington

The diamond wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John Cross, of 42, Grove-road, Rushden, was celebrated on Monday. The couple, both natives of Podington, were married at the village church on June 5th 1884, by the Vicar, the Rev. James Geldart. For 57 years they have lived in Rushden.

Mr & Mrs CrossMr Cross recalls that as a young farm labourer he earned 11 shillings a week and received an additional shilling after marrying. At Rushden he worked for James Hyde and Co., boot manufacturers for 15 years, and later for the Gordon Boot Company, from whose employ he retired 15 years ago. In his youth he played a lot of cricket with several village teams. Now aged 80 years, he keeps in quite good health and is keen on gardening.

Mrs. Cross, 78 years of age, was formerly Miss Naomi Partridge. She is a member of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Independent Wesleyan Church and of the Women’s Adult School. Until, quite recently she was an active pillow lace maker. Their home has been at Grove-road for 53 years, and both attend the Independent Wesleyan Church.

Of the marriage there were three sons and three daughters. The eldest son, Mr. H. E. Cross, died in December last, and the other children are Mr. L. Cross, Mr. J. Cross, Mrs. E. Willmott, Mrs. E. Pinnock of Higham Ferrers, and Mrs. H. Whiting. There are seven grandchildren, including three in the Army, on in the N.F.S. (away), one in the R. A. F. and one in the A. T. S., and two great-grandchildren. The three sons all went through the last war.

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