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Rushden Echo & Argus, 27th April 1945
Rushden War Bride In New Zealand

Safe Journey : D.F.C. For Husband

A Rushden lady, lately a Flight Sergeant in the W.A.A.F., has arrived in New Zealand with her husband and six-months-old daughter.

Mrs Creagh
Mrs. Creagh
She was formerly Miss Margaret Greaves, 24-years-old only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Greaves, of 13, Tennyson-road, and was married at Rushden in December, 1943, to Flight Lt. Arthur Gethin Creagh, Royal New Zealand Air Force.

Mrs. Creagh served for four years in the W.A.A.F., and was mentioned in dispatches in June 1942. Previously she had been employed in Messrs. John White's office at Higham Ferrers, and had been a member of the St. Mary's Rangers.

Flight Lt. Creagh has also done four years' service, and was trained in Canada. He was stationed in England for three years as a navigator in bomber planes.

The family left England together in the early part of February, and are now in Wellington, at the home of Flight Lt. Creagh's parents.

Further pleasing news reached Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Greaves last Friday evening, a cablegram from their daughter announcing that Flt. Lt. Creagh had been awarded the D.F.C.

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