Many friends attended St Mary’s Church, Rushden, on Christmas Eve for the wedding, which took place by special license, of Gunner John Michael Hyde, Royal Artillery, and Miss Enid Mary Folwell.
Only son of the late Mr and Mrs J B Hyde, of Rose Hill, Rushden, the bridegroom joined the Army during the early days of the war and helped to defend London and other cities against air attacks. He is a keen cricketer and has helped Newton Bromshold, Rushden Thursday and other local teams. He has also played football for Rushden Thursday. His bride, now a nurse at the Kettering London-road Hospital, is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs A S Folwell, The Compass Inn, Rushden.
The wedding was conducted by the Rev E A Green. The bride wore a gown of white brocade, with embroidered silk net veil held in place by a coronet of orange blossom, and carried an ivory Prayer Book. She was given away by her father, and the only bridesmaid was Miss Dorothy Billett, of Irthlingborough, her cousin, who was in floral taffeta with gold headdress and carried a white leather Prayer Booka gift of the bridegroom.
Corpl E Chettle R.E., of Rushden, a friend of the bridegroom was beat man. Mr Alfred Clarke, A.R.C.O., played favourite wedding marches, and the hymns were “Lead us Heavenly Father” and “Love Divine, all loves excelling”.
During a reception at her home, the bride cut a cake made by one of her friends.