Appreciative letters of the supplement on the Development of Rushden, which was issued by the “Echo and Argus” in March this year, still continue to be received at our office.
The latest message is from Australia, from Mr. William Barry Lack, a native of the town, who has for over 40 years lived “down under.”
He writes from Ivanhoe, N21, Victoria, as follows:-
To the Editor of the “Echo and Argus.”
Sir.Having had the pleasure of reading your supplement of Friday March 10th, 1933, I, being a Rushden born man, don’t know how to thank you enough.
I was born in May 1856, at the bottom of High-street South and lived at Rushden for 32 years of my life. As I have lived in Australia 45 years it would be a great change to see it again, but it would not be the same. I have a vivid memory of Rushden in the early days and knew every house in the town, so that I can give a good account of Rushden over 60 years ago.
I do not forget to give Rushden my deepest sympathy in the loss of my dear old “boss,” Mr. F. Knight. I think I could claim to be one of his oldest hands for 17 years up to leaving England. He was a great “boss,” more like a friend to all.
I must remind you that I had very little schooling, I was self-taught and was the youngest of eight, all under 14 when my father died. I am the brother of the late Mrs. N. Crick, and the late Mrs. William Denton, and Brother Tom Lack.
Australia is a nice country, with plenty of sunshine, and some get on well and some don’t. I have one sister living here and she is eighty next birthday.
I was married to Miss Sharman, of Riseley, in the year 1875, 58 years ago, and we are both well.
I have taken too much space in your valuable paper so will close for this time.
I am, yours truly,
William B. Lack.