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Rushden Echo & Argus, 24th March 1944, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr and Mrs C W Neville

Married at St Mary's, Rushden, on a gloriously sunny Easter Day in 1894, Mr and Mrs Charles Webb Neville, of 41 Washbrook-road, held a quiet celebration of theri golden wedding anniversary on Sunday.

On the same Easter Day, Mrs Neville recollects, 22 other couples were married in Rushden.

Mr & Mrs NevilleFormerly Miss Flora Mills, of Irthlingborough, Mrs Neville came to Rushden shortly before her marriage, and has made her home here ever since, being 73 years old. Her husband was "born and bred" in the town, and now, nearly 72 years of age, has worked for 40 years at the Gas Works as a labourer. Mrs Neville did work as a shoe machinist prior to marriage.

Unfortunately, for the past three years Mrs Neville has been an invalid. Mr Neville keeps in fairly good health. There are two children, Gnr. Albert Charles Neville, serving with the R.A., and Miss Elsie May Neville, who resides with her parents. Of Mrs Neville's two sisters, one died at the beginning of the year, and the other, Mrs Issitt, lives at Burton Latimer.

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