Former Bandsman’s Death - Motor Cycling Fatality near Kimbolton
As a result of injuries received in a motor-cycle accident, Mr. Austin Abrams, formerly a well-known resident of Higham Ferrers and Rushden passed away on Thursday last at his home at Pertenhall, near Kimbolton.
Mr. Abrams was motor-cycling home from Kimbolton, where he had attended a band practice, to his home when he crashed into the side of a bridge when passing a hay binder on the road, and received injuries from which he subsequently died, without regaining consciousness.
Mr. Abrams who was 39 years of age was a married man and had one son. He was a native of Birmingham, but lived for a number of years in Higham Ferrers and Rushden. Mr. Abrams was a capable bandsman and was also a local preacher. As a lad he joined the Rushden Salvation Army Band and was afterwards the side-drummer in the Rushden Wellingborough-road Mission Band, both before and after the war. During the Great War Mr. Abrams was a side-drummer in the Norfolk Regiment Band in India.
As a local preacher he accomplished much good work on the outings of the Mission Band, while after his removal to Pertenahll he was associated with the local Marriatha Hall, where he took the Sunday morning service.
Mr Abrams had resided at Pertenhall for some seven or eight years and during that period was associated with the Kimbolton Comrades Band, whose practice he had attended on the night of the accident.
Mr. Abrams was the son of the late Mr. Arthur Abrams and Mrs Mary Jane Livingstone of Higham Ferrers, while a brother, Mr. Victor Abrams resides at Kettering. The deceased was employed at the premier Works of Messrs. C. W. Horrell, Rushden, and motor-cycled to his work each day from Pertenahll.
[The verdict of Accidental Death was given at the Inquest]
Rushden Echo, 29th August 1930, transcribed by Kay Collins
In MemoryA tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Austin Abrams, of Pertenhall who was killed whilst motor-cycling home from Kimbolton, was paid by the Wellingboro’-road Mission Band, who played the “Dead March” in “Saul” outside the Mission Church prior to the evening service, on Sunday. During the service the Rev. E. E. Bromage (pastor) made reference to the devoted life and service of Mr. Abrams, as former member of the church and an auxiliary member of the band. He also referred to the recent passing in Canada of Commandant Horace Mackness, who was a former bandsman and church member.
Bandsmen’s TributeA fitting tribute to the memory of the late Mr. Austin Abrams of Pertenhall, was paid at his funeral on Monday by the Rushden Mission Bandsmen who attended in uniform and wearing regalia. Mr. Abrams died as a result of injuries received in an accident on the Pertenhall-Kimbolton road. He was an auxiliary member of the banda former side-drummer. Prior to the interment, which took place at the Rushden Cemetery a service was held at the Wellingborough-road Mission Church. The Rev. Connor, minister at the Pertenhall Moravian Church, officiated, assisted by the Rev. E. E. Bromage, pastor of the Mission Church. The bearers were Messrs. E. Panter, E. Young, T. Beeseley, F. Knight, A. Underwood and C. Copperwheat, of the Mission band, the remaining bandsmen were carrying wreaths. Representatives were also present from the Kimbolton Comrade’s Band, at which the deceased was conductor, and from Messrs. C. W. Horrell’s Premier Works, Rushden. The family mourners were Mrs. E. Abrams (widow), and Mr. V. Abrams, Kettering (brother), Mrs. J. A. Livingstone (mother), Mrs. F. Whiting, Higham Ferrers (sister), Mrs. Turner and Mrs. L. Parker, of Higham Ferrers (sisters), Mrs. Woods, Pertenhall (mother-in-law), Mr. L. Woods, Rushden (brother-in-law).
Note sent in by a researcher:
“Mrs. F. Whiting, sister” made me think; there is a “Mrs. F. Whiting.” She is Lillian/Lilly Winfred Goodfellow, wife of Frank Whiting, the younger brother of Herbert. She was born 13 Sep 1899, in Rushden, and married 24 Dec 1918 in St. Mary's Church, Rushden. Lillian had two siblings, Violet b. abt. 1896 and Victor b. abt. 1897.
In checking my previous research I had found that Frank, Lilly and their son Bruce were on a trip to England arriving at Liverpool on 25 August 1930. They were supposed to return to NY City at the end of September 1930 but returned via Boston on 4 Oct 1930 [from passenger list]. Their proposed address in United Kingdom: 89 High St. South, Rushden, Northants, according to the passenger list.
I wonder if Lillian/Lilly was the Mrs. F. Whiting mentioned in the obituary. Lilly would have been a sister-in-law but I have found that the exact relationship was seldom used in those days. Frank & Lillian very probably visited Herb & Edith in Higham Ferrers during their trip. I could never figure out why they changed their sailing date from England and this is probably the reason.