Bereavement - Much sympathy has been expressed with the widow and family of the late Mr Robert Bailey, of 48 Harborough-road, whose death took place on Sunday. The deceased had been ill only a week with influenza and pneumonia, and his death came as a great shock to his friends.
Mr Bailey was the popular licensee of the outdoor beerhouse in Harborough-road. Aged 58, the deceased had lived in Rushden practically all his life, being born in the town. Besides the widow, seven young children are left to mourn their loss.
The funeral took place yesterday (Thursday), the Rev P E Robson, R.D., officiating. The mourners were Mrs Bailey (widow), Alice and Mabel (daughters), Mrs Robinson (sister), Mr Bailey (brother), Mrs Bettles (sister), Mrs Ekins, Mrs Eaton, and Mrs Humphrey (sisters-in-law). Mrs Bailey and the family of the late Mr Bailey wish to express their sincere sympathy shown to them and for the many beautiful wreaths sent.