Mr William Colson
It is with profound regret that we announce the sudden death of an old and respected inhabitant of this village, namely, Mr. W. Colson, shoe manufacturer. On Friday evening last, the deceased, who has been unwell for some time, was listening to his daughter, who was reading an account of the distress in the country, when he said, "It is very bad," and, without the least warning, fell forward out of his chair and expired. The deceased, who was a staunch teetotaler, commenced life with nothing but his own energy, and by means of his determined character and industry, soon became one of the largest employers of labour in the village, and at the time of his death he had several good army contracts on hand. In addition to this, he was a large property owner in the village. In religion he was a Baptist, and a deacon of the Old Baptist Chapel, and in politics a Liberal. The deceased was a member of the School Board and Board of Guardians, the duties of which he performed to the satisfaction of the ratepayers. All matters connected with the welfare of the parish were ever uppermost in his mind, and by his death Rushden has lost a useful and beloved parishioner whom it could ill afford to lose. We understand that the deceased has been under treatment for heart disease, which was the cause of his death. The funeral took place on Tuesday, the tradesmen of the village shewing their respect by closing their shops during the ceremony. The Rev. R. E. Bradfield read the burial service, and delivered a touching address respecting Mr. Colson, he having known the deceased gentleman intimately for twenty-one years. |