Rushden Echo, 12th February 1915, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Mr. Charles Joseph Hudson
The death took place on Tuesday of Mr. Charles Joseph Hudson, aged 20 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudson, of 13, Bismarck-street, Leicester. The deceased was an apprentice in the printing office of the “Rushden Echo” and removed to Leicester a few years ago when his parents also removed from Rushden to Leicester. Mr. T. Hudson was representative of the Singer Sewing Machine Co. and was well-known in the town and district as a Wesleyan local preacher, being in the Wellingborough circuit before his removal to Rushden. The deceased youth, on removing to Leicester, commenced work as a fitter in hosiery machinery work. He carefully attended to his duties, and made good progress, being at the early age of 20, appointed first experimenter at the works of Messrs. Mellor and Bromley, with others under him. He was a great favourite with all who knew him. Deceased was the secretary of the King Richard’s-road Wesleyan Football Club.