A former resident of Rushden, Mrs. Tom A. Knight, has died in Toronto, Canada, after a long and painful illness of an internal character. Her husband, who belongs to a well-known Rushden family, was formerly a butcher, of High-street South, Rushden (opposite the bottom of Wymington-road). Mr. Knight recently wrote to relation in the Rushden district stating that Mrs. Knight had developed very serious symptoms, and now comes the news that she passed away. Deceased was a native of Wellingborough. Her sister, who died recently, was the wife of the late Mr. C. Ernest Bayes, of Rushden.
Mr. T. A. Knight left Rushden about 18 years ago for Canada, and some time afterwards Mrs. Knight, with her three daughters and one son, moved to Toronto to rejoin him. While she lived at Rushden Mrs. Knight was associated with the Baptist Church.
Mrs. Knight was a daughter of the late Mrs. Stephen Higgins, who was associated with the Rushden Congregational Church. Mrs. Higgins had been married before to Mr. Wing. Mrs. Knight, formerly Miss Annie Wing, and her sister, Miss Lily Wing (afterwards Mrs. C. E. Bayes) used to Sunday school teachers at the Rushden Baptist Church, and were members of the Christian Band there. Mr. T. A. Knight was a son of Mr. Edwin Knight and a nephew of Mr. Fred Knight, J.P. All the family of Mr. and the late Mrs. Knight are in Canada.