The Rushden Echo 30th July 1915
The Late Mr. William Skinner - Rushden’s Pioneer Musician - The Funeral
The funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Skinner, whose death we recorded last week, took place last Friday afternoon in the cemetery, many friends of the deceased assembling to pay their last tribute of respect to his memory.
Amongst those present at the graveside were Messrs. David Darnell, C. White, G. Bayes, W. Clark, S. Skinner, B. Vorley, C. M. Fisher and Dr. C. R. Fisher.
The Rev. H. J. Horn officiated both in the cemetery chapel and at the graveside. The coffin, which was of polished elm with brass fittings, bore the inscription:-
Died July 20th, 1915
Aged 79 years
The mourners comprised Mrs. Wm. Skinner (widow), Mr. J. King Skinner (son), Mr. G. Skinner (son), Mrs. Langford (daughter), Mrs. Mooring and Mrs. Knight (daughters), Mr. W. B. Sykes (son-in-law) and Mrs. Sykes, Mrs. J. King Skinner (daughter-in-law), Mrs. Hutton (grand-daughter), Mr. W Langford (son-in-law), Mr. Hugh Sykes (grandson), Miss Mabel Skinner, Miss Langford and Mrs. Walden (grand-daughters).
There also followed:- Mr. Amos Cave, Mr. Wilfred Capon (representing Messrs. J. Cave and Sons Ltd), Messrs. A. Bates and W. H. Howes representing the Rushden Adult School Male Voice Choir, of which deceased was the founder, and Messrs. B. Smith (bandmaster) and A. Robinson, sen., (representing the Rushden Temperance Band). Mr. Arthur Cave would also have followed, but was out of town.
Messrs. Whittington and Tomlin were the undertakers. A number of beautiful floral tributes were placed on the grave, as follow:-
In fond remembrance from his sorrowing wife.
In loving memory of dear father from his children.
In loving remembrance of dear Grand-pa from Will, Sis and family (Raunds).
To dear Grandfather from Clara and Fred, “Peace, perfect peace”.
To dear Grand-pa from Harry and Lizzie (London).
To dear Grand-pa from Florrie and Nellie.
In loving memory of our dear Grand-father from Jim and Mary (Northampton).
In loving remembrance of dear Grand-pa from Lily and Kate (London).
With sincere sympathy from Rushden Park-road Baptist Choir.
In loving memory from Mr J. W. Black and daughter.
In affectionate memory from the Rushden Adult School Male Choir.
With deepest sympathy from Mr. and Mrs. G. Barnes.
To dear “Gramp” from Mrs. Walden and sister Nellie. “Peace, perfect peace”.