The wedding took place yesterday at St. Mary’s Church, by special licence, of Miss Jenny Jones, second daughter of Pioneer Wm. Jones, of Richmond, of the Army Ordnance Corps, now on duty in France, to Sergt. Timothy Wilson, 2nd Artillery Brigade, 8th Battery, 1st Canadian Contingent, son of Mrs. Wilson, of 166 Cromwell-road, Rushden, and of the late Mr. Geo. Wilson. The Rev. P. J. Richards officiated in the absence of the Rector. The bride, who was given away by Mr. G. A. White, of 11 Beaconsfield-place, wore a navy blue silk dress and white hat trimmed with flowers and ribbon to match. She was attended by Miss Phoebe Rebecca White (friend), who was attired in a white silk blouse and salmon-coloured skirt with white hat trimmed with roses. Mr. Ben Wilson (brother of the bridegroom) acted as best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Public Hall, about 30 guests assembling. Later in the evening Mr. W. Lockie’s string band played for dancing. The honeymoon is being spent at Richmond. For travelling, the bride wore a navy blue costume, with a hat to match. The bridegroom left Rushden 10 years ago for Canada, where, up to the outbreak of war, he was in the employ of the Bangor Aroostock Railway. He enlisted in the Canadian Contingent on August 8th. 1914, and has been on the western front 16 months.