Wellingborough News, 8th April 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
COFFEE TAVERNThe usual Saturday evening entertainment was held on Saturday evening last, and was well attended. The chair was occupied by Mr. J. Mackness. The Temperance Band played selections of music, and the following ladies and gentlemen also took partMisses E. Denton and M. Bull, Mrs. C. Bull, and Messrs. J. Farey, T. Mackness, W. Packwood, and W. Clark.
Wellingborough News, 22nd April 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
ENTERTAINMENTOn Wednesday a large and fashionable company assembled at the Large Hall to witness the sleight of hand tricks of Dr. Gough. The whole of the performance was highly amusing, and much appreciated by the audience.
Wellingborough News, 13th May 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
THE CHILD FAMILYOn Sunday this musical family held services in the New Hall, when a large audience assembled. Miss Barbara Child read an address, written by Mr. Child, sen., and this as well as the singing and reciting of the juvenile members of the family, was much appreciated. Collections were made at the close of each service. On Monday evening, the Temperance Brass Band under the conductor (Mr. W. Skinner), went round the village, and played a lively march to the Hall, where there was a good company to meet them. The band also played an opening overture in very good style. The drolleries of the family were much appreciated. Entertainments have been continued during the week, and will be continued till Saturday, when special attractions are announced.
Wellingborough News, 20th May 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
THE CHILD FAMILYThe Child Family gave closing services in the New Hall, on Sunday. The attendances were very fair and the proceedings were of a varied and interesting character.
Wellingborough News, 3rd June 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
CONCERTOn Friday evening, last week, the pupils of Mr. J. E. Smith, music master, gave a concert in the New Hall, the proceeds after defraying expenses to go the fund for providing a new burial ground. The attendance was not large, but a capital bill of fare was provided. The instrumental part of the programme was very good, and the vocal also deserved high praise. One feature of the concert was the production of two original songs by Mr. Smith, which were well received by the audience. The "Toy Symphonic," by Romberg, was a novelty, and much appreciated. The programme was as follows:Piano duet, "The ash grove," Messrs. C. Hewitt and G. Skinner; solo, "Herrblattchen," Miss Benson; song, "Puff," Miss E. Randall, accompanied by Miss Randall; solo, "Hallelujah Chorus," Master Alfred Clarke; duet, "Wedding March," Miss Tyrrell and Master Jolley; part song, "It is not always May," pupils; solo, "Tarentelle," Miss Measures; duet, "The echo of Lucern," Miss A. Parker and Master Lamb; song, "Cherry ripe," Miss Crew; fantasia, "Masaniello," Miss and Miss A. Woodward; solo, "Pretty flowers," Master A. Jolley; solo, "Happy event," Miss Burton; part song, "The spring's free sunshine," pupils; asolo, "Blue bells," Miss Chambers; grand duet in D, Miss Woodward and Mr. E. Jolly; song, "The angel's guest" (an original song by Mr. Smith), Miss Tyrrell; overture, "The Caliph of Bagdad," Master A. Clarke; solo, "Sonata Vienna" (dated 1789), Miss Wood, ward; song, "The children's home," Mr. E. Jolley; solo, "Gavotte and Masette," Miss Crew; solo, "Melody," Master Lamb; song, "The mill song," Miss M. Woodward, encore, "The rose" (composed by Mr. J. E. Smith); solo, "Sleigh bells," Miss Perkins; duet, Masters A. and W. Jolley (encored); "Romberg's Toy Symphonie." The following was the band: Violins, Messrs R. Packwood and E. Jolley; viola, J. Jolley; piano, Misses Woodwards and Chambers; schnarre, Miss Barker; trominoli, Miss Crew; kuckuk, Miss A. Woodward; nachtigall. Miss Perkins; trompetes, Miss C. Goodland and Miss N. Pettit; conductor, Mr. J. E. Smith. National Anthem, accompanied by Master H. Lewis. One of Abel's grand pianos was used for the occasion.
Wellingborough News, 1st July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
SPECIAL SERVICESOn Sunday last two sermons were preached in the large Hall, by Mr. Stringer, of London, under the auspices of the Calvinistic Baptists. The services were well attended.On Monday a sermon was preached in the same place by the Rev. Mr. Lea, of London. There was only a small attendance.
Wellingborough News, 22nd July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
For One Week Only, commencing Monday, July 24
Tickets and Plan of Hall at
Mr. Hewitt's, Post Office.
The proprietors respectfully announce that they will have the honour of presenting their
New Scientific, Literary, and Musical
The only Original
From the Royal Polytechnic, London.
Every Evening at 8 o'clock. Doors open at 7.30.
Carriages at 10.15.
AdmissionReserved Seats 2s.; Second Seats, 1s, Back Seats 6d.
Children under Twelve and Schools half-price, Back seats excepted.
Wellingborough News, 22nd July 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
RENT AUDITOn the 11th inst. an excellent spread was provided in the New Hall (served by the Coffee Tavern Company), for each man who rents an allotment of the land of the Rev. Canon Barker. It is the custom for the rector to provide an annual supper, and to give prizes to six of the best husbandmen. The following obtained the prizes: first field, 1 Mr. G. Garley, 2 Mr. W. Burge, 3 Mr. J. Denton; second field, 1 Mr. J. Warren, 2 Mr. W. Watts, 3, Mr. C. Bollard. About 70 sat down and spent a very pleasant evening.
Wellingborough News, 21st October 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
ENTERTAINMENTOn Saturday evening, the winter evening entertainments at the New Hall, were commenced by Mr. Sam Norman and Family, giving his new temperance entertainment. The Hall was quite full and the entertainment much applauded throughout, especially the "Game at cards," in which the likeness of the following local temperance men were introduced:The Rev. Canon Barker, Rev. W. A. Davis, Rev. G. Pung, Mr. E. Knight, and Mr. J. Jacquest. The interest was well kept up throughout the evening.
Wellingborough News, 21st October 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
COFFEE TAVERNOn Saturday evening an invitation tea was given in the large hall to about seventy ladies and gentlemen, who had assisted at the Saturday evening entertainment last season, and promised their services during the coming winter. A very good tea was placed on the tables by the manager and his assistant, and tea being over, the Rev. W. A. Davis said he had a few remarks to make. The tea had been provided by the directors, free of charge, as a mark of esteem for the voluntary service rendered during the past winter, and he was requested to thank all those who had in any way, whether as chairmen, speakers, reciters, or musicians, contributed to the enjoyment of the people. He was pleased to see so many present, and he took it that they were all willing to assist in the coming season. He regarded the meetings as a step in the right direction, and that they had a tendency to improve the social wellbeing of the people. That the efforts of those who assisted were appreciated was shown by the way the entertainments were attended, and was a reason for continuing them again this season. He thought the secret of their success was the unity that existed among all sects and classes, and he was pleased to see all represented upon that occasion. They would want as much or more help this winter than they did last, and he hoped every society would take the matter up in earnest. The Rev. G. Garlick, of the Union Church, said in the absence of Rev. Canon Barker he had been asked to say a few words. He was but young either in Rushden or teetotal matters, but as he was identified with Rushden he hoped in some way to further the object of that meeting or any other object that had the wellbeing of the people in view. He had not much dramatic ability or musical talent, nor was he much of a Temperance orator, but should be pleased to do what he could to further those meetings and as this was the first time he had attended a meeting in the hall he congratulated them on having such a place to meet in, and he was glad that those meetings were appreciated, as they had a tendency in keeping men and women from congregating at the corners of the street and the public house, and from places and practices that would degrade them and their fellows. He should be pleased to do all he could to assist them in the work.
Wellingborough News, 11th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
SATURDAY EVENING ENTERTAINMENTOn Saturday evening last a first-rate entertainment was given in the New Hall, by the "Romany Rye" Family. There was a very respectable audience, although not so large as on some previous occasions, notwithstanding that the programme was a very good one. The entertainment was well introduced by an overture on the piano, "March of Israel," by Mr. Oliver. This was followed by a recitation "Nothing to wear," given with much feeling by Mr. H. Gorden; a comic song, "How did you leave the pigs, Sam?" Mr. R. Vernon; a well-delivered recitation, "Dimes and dollars," by Miss Madge Bruce; two scenes from gipsy life by the Misses Pung, which, as on previous occasions when they have been given, were greeted with much applause; a song by Miss Norah Lee, "Romany Rye," sung with much taste, combined with a nice voice; a recitation, "Eugene Aram's dream," by Mr. H. Wyndale; song, "The death of Nelson," Mr. Oliver; recitation, "The flower girl," given with much feeling by Mr. F. Pung, and listened to with rapt attention by the audience.
Wellingborough News, 11th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
BALLAD CONCERTOn Tuesday evening a ballad concert was given in the New Hall, when a very respectable and fairly large audience attended. The names on the programme were quite sufficient to insure a first-class concert, and those who went with the expectation of hearing one were not disappointed. The opening performance by Miss Marriott fully sustained her reputation as a pianiste of the first rank, and she in no way fell off in her second pianoforte solo, which was justly admired. The Hon. and Rev. J. Marsham did full justice to the fine old English ballad, "Phyllis is my only joy". Mr. Sartoris's cornet solos, although not of a florid description, yet brought out the finest quality of the cornet, for which Mr. Sartoris is noted. Miss Hamborough sang two songs very nicely, having a sweet, though not powerful voice. Mr. Lawrence gained the first encore of the evening for the excellent way he sang, "I'm waiting;" he also sang "Good company" with much taste and judgment. A like compliment was paid to Mrs. Hall for her humorous singing of the "Miller and the maid." Mr. J. A. Twist followed with a very difficult violin solo by De Beriot, and this certainly was a grand performance, and he had to respond to an encore; a like demand also being made on him after playing "Cavatina." The Hon. Mrs. Marsham sang ''Sunshine and rain" with great taste, and fairly brought down the house, but as she was in the part song next on the programme, she did not respond to the recall. The part songs were very much applauded, and were given as only good musicians with careful practice can give them. Last, but not least, was the singing of Starke's song, "Stranded," by Mrs. Bailey, which was well rendered.
Wellingborough News, 18th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
LECTUREOn Thursday evening, the 9th inst., Mr. Kirton, author of "Buy your own cherries," &c., gave one of his popular temperance lectures in the New Hall. Mr. E. Knight presided, and there was a good attendance.
SATURDAY EVENING ENTERTAINMENTAt the New Hall on Saturday last a magic lantern exhibition and lecture were given by Mr. Croxford, of Harrold, entitled "John Ploughman and more of his talk." The Rev. G. Garlick presided. The attendance was good, and the lecture interesting.
Wellingborough News, 18th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
CONCERTOn Monday evening, in connection with the Temperance Band anniversary, a concert of vocal and instrumental music was given in the New Hall, which was fairly filled. The concert was opened by the band playing Delannoys' overture, "Leopold," in an admirable manner, evincing the most capital rehearsal. Mr. Ekins's fine bass voice was heard to advantage in "The Bugler," for which he received an encore. He also sang with much power the tine song, "Stranded." Mr. J. A. Twist was honoured with an encore for his violin solo, and substituted "Home, sweet home" (varied). Mrs. Parsons, who is always a favourite, was received with applause, and encored for her first song, "Tit for tat," but we think her next song was the better of the two, "Youth and age." Professor Shepherd's oboe solo was a masterly performance. The singing of Mrs. Bull and Mrs. G. White was heartily cheered. Mr. J. K. Skinner's rendering of the air, "My heart and lute" was a fine performance, the player doing full justice to the very difficult piece. Mr. Hope sang, "True to the last," and "The yarn of the Nancy Bell" with his usual judgment. Miss Self's piano solo was a very fine performance, and was deservedly encored, when she substituted the fine old Scotch air, "Auld Lang Syne." Mr. G. W. Skinner did full justice to a fantasia on the clarionet, and was loudly applauded. The concert was musically a decided success.
Wellingborough News, 25th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
SATURDAY EVENING ENTERTAINMENTOn Saturday evening last, the weekly entertainment in the New Hall was given by members of the local temperance and Band of Hope organisations, and was well attended and very successful.
Wellingborough News, 25th November 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
LECTURES On Tuesday and Wednesday the popular lecturer and traveller, Mr. John Ripley, gave two entertainments in the New Hall. On Tuesday the entertainment comprised readings, recitations, &c., principally on the temperance question. On Wednesday the subject was "From Olivet to Lebanon." The attendance was good on Tuesday, and the Hall was crowded on Wednesday evening. The lecture on the latter evening was illustrated by large maps and diagrams, and nearly 20 persons were attired in Oriental costume.
LECTURE ON AMERICAOn Tuesday evening a lecture entitled "A visit to America," was given in the New Hall, by the Rev. A. Davis. The Rev. G. Pung presided; there was not a large attendance. In introducing the lecturer the Chairman spoke of the vast importance of America, whether considered as to extent, or religiously, commercially, or socially. He thought there were three classes that ought to attend to hear Mr. Davis, viz., those who had already to see for themselves, those who intended to go to learn how to proceed, and those who had not and did not intend to go, so that they might hear of what they would never see. After the Chairman, the choir, conducted by Mr. J. Farey, sang "Lift up your heads." The lecturer then said he should speak of America as he found it, and he asked, if his description should differ from what they had heard or read, to believe him, as he had prepared nothing but what was strictly true. As Mr. Spurgeon had said no one could give a complete account of London, so no one could give an account of America in detail. He had been asked since he had returned if it was hot or cold, but in going there a person could choose his own climate, as the United States comprised three million square miles, or in other words it was 61 times larger than England and Wales, so that a lecture on America must be very sketchy and disconnected. He then gave his adventures on his first visit, the lecture being very instructive throughout.
Wellingborough News, 2nd December 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
Church Disestablishment
Rushden Liberal Association
On Wednesday, Dec. 6th, 1882,
Of the Liberation Society, will Lecture in the New Hall, Rushden, subject:
Doors open at 7.30.
Chair to be taken at 8 by
of Addington.
Admission FREE.
Friends are, kindly advised to be punctual in presenting themselves at the doors, as no seats can be reserved on this occasion.
Wellingborough News, 6th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
DEAR SIR,Being among the audience at the above lecture by Mr. Carvell Williams, in which I was very much interested, and hearing at the close from the Secretary of the Higham Ferrers and District Conservative Association that the arguments put forward by the lecturer would, in a short period, be refuted in a lecture under the auspices of the association, I have been expecting to see such a lecture announced, and begin to feel impatient, as a month has now passed. But the bills are not yet out, and there are no indications that the promised treat is to come off. Let all lovers of the Established Church, and those who are afraid of it having to stand on its own bottom, visit such places as Souldrop and Woodford, and see the ritualistic performances carried on in those places. It is quite time such places had to support themselves and were not kept up by Protestant money. Thanking you for inserting this short letter, and hoping to hear that we are soon to have both sides of the question.Yours truly,
Rushden, Jan. 2nd, 1883. A NONCON.
Wellingborough News, 9th December 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
SATURDAY EVENING ENTERTAINMENTOn Saturday evening week, the usual entertainment was given in the new hall, and was much enjoyed by a fair audience. The chair was taken by Mr. E. Claridge and the following is the programme: Part song, choir; recitation, "Santa Claus," Miss Blackwell; song, Mr. Fairey; duet, "The beggar girl," Misses Groome and Blackwell; recitation, Mr. Button; quartet, "The Prodigal Child," Mrs. Bull, Mrs. White, Messrs. Farey, and Mackness; recitation, "The candle was lit at both ends," Miss Blackwell; song, Mrs. Bull; recitation, "The Stowaway," Miss Groome; dialogue, "Woman's Eights," Miss E. Clarke, A. Jacques, Messrs. Wrighton, Button, Cunnington, and Mackness; song, Mr. Stringer, encored.
CONCERT On Monday evening a concert was given in the New Hall, Rushden, by the Choral Society, assisted by Miss Ellen Lamb, soprano, from the London concerts; Mr. Hanson, tenor, St. Paul's Cathedral; and Mr. Robert de Lacy, bass, of St. Paul's Cathedral. There was a good attendance, the hall being nearly filled. The works selected for rehearsal were Stainer's "Daughter of Jairus," and Rhomberg's "Lay of the Bell." A full band and chorus of nearly 100 voices faced the baton of Mr. W. Skinner, who conducted. A very good opening was made by the band playing the introduction very accurately, the instruments being well in tune, and the time very correct. Miss Lamb established herself as a favourite by the beautiful rendering of her first recit, "Behold there cometh unto Jesus,'' and she fully sustained the opinion thus formed of her ability throughout the various recits of the work, reaching the climax in the duet with Mr. Hanson, "Love divine," which was encored. Mr. de Lacy's fine voice was heard to advantage in the recit, "My little daughter," and was much admired, as also in the trio, "To Him who left His throne on high." Mr. Hanson has a fine voice, and his singing in the duet with Miss Lamb was much appreciated. The choruses were given with great care, the concert throughout being well rendered, evincing a careful and prolonged rehearsal, and being a great improvement on the last occasion, when it was given without the orchestral accompaniments. The chorus, "When Jesus had put them all out," was very finely sung. The second part, "The Lay of the Bell," was new to the audience, but the very efficient manner in which it was presented on this occasion will ensure a hearty response if ever the society should reproduce it.
Wellingborough News, 9th December 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
Anti-vaccination Society meeting
Wellingborough News, 23rd December 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
SATURDAY EVENING ENTERTAINMENTOn Saturday evening last, the usual weekly entertainment was held at the New Hall, when the chair was taken by Mr. T. Wilmott. The attendance was tolerably good. The following miscellaneous programme was given in good style, Master G. Farey accompanying on the piano:Selection by the Temperance Band; part song, choir; song, Mr. C. Clarke; reading, Mr. T. Wilmott; part song, choir; recitation, Miss Wagstaff; song, Mr. E. Stringer, encored; part song, choir; song, Mr. Samuel Durham, encored; reading, Mr. W. Clarke; song, Mr. J. Farey; quartette, by Mrs. Bull, Mr. White, Messrs. J. Farey and J. Mackness.
Wellingborough News, 30th December 1882, transcribed by Kay Collins
see Christmas 1877-82
Wellingborough News, 6th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
On Wednesday, Jan. 10,
President of the National Agricultural Labourers Union, Will Lecture in the
Chair to be taken at 8 p.m., by the Rev. G. PUNG
Collection in aid of the funds of the Association
Wellingborough News, 13th January 1883
MR. ARCH AT RUSHDENA lengthy report of Mr. Arch's address at Rushden will appear in our next issue. We are compelled to hold it over owing to the pressure upon our space. A report of Mr. Arch's sketch at Kettering appears in another column.
Wellingborough News, 20th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
DRAMATIC PERFORMANCEOn Saturday evening the members of the Wellingborough Junior Amateur Dramatic Society gave "St. Patrick's Eve," in the New Hall, which was crowded, large numbers being unable to gain admittance. The piece was well put before the audience, the scenery was very good, and the impersonations were excellent. The vernacular in some instances might have been more Hibernian, but the execution of the piece gave the greatest satisfaction to the audience. The acting of Miss Walker was much admired, and, as Terrence O'Moore, Mr. W. Ward, was very good; as were Messrs. T. Glover, E. Brown, and Short, at the Black Craig. The above was followed by a song by Mr. F. Rice and one by Miss C. Walker, who received an encore. The evening was concluded by a comic drama, entitled "Robert Macaire," in which the company fully sustained the opinion gained in the first piece, Miss Deiton as Pierre being especially noteworthy. The following were the actors:Messrs. H. Butlin, G. Mackness, W. Ward, T. Glover, E. Brown, A. Short, and A Ward; and the Misses C. Walker, B. Cobley, L. Deiton, and J. Gent; with Miss Fisher as accompanist. If the society should make another visit a large attendance may be expected, but we would suggest that means be adopted, either by the Hall Company or the managers of the society, for preserving better order, as more than once the manager had to threaten to conclude the performance unless better order was obtained. This was caused by a few youths in the body of the hall, to the annoyance of the whole audience.
Wellingborough News, 27th January 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
LECTUREOn Saturday evening Mr. J. Burns gave a lecture on "Phrenology" in the New Hall, which was well filled. The Rev. G. Pung presided. The lecturer, during the evening examined the "bumps" of some eight or nine of the audience, and the conclusions arrived at were considered very accurate.
WORKMEN'S HOLIDAYOn Monday evening the workmen employed by Messrs. W. Colson and Co., and their friends, to the number of about 120, were provided with tea in the New Hall, after which there was an entertainment, of which the following was the programme:Piano solo, Master J. Colson; song, "The Goose Club," Mr. C. Stringer; recitation, "the Wreck of the Hesperous," Miss P. Denton; song, "Is there room for Mary there," Miss R. Ashby; song, "No one to love," Miss E. Barker; song, "Mill May," Master H. C. Packwood; duet, "very suspicious," Miss E. Colson, and Mr. C. Stringer. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Messrs. Colson and Co. for their liberality in providing the treat, to which Mr. Packwood responded. He said it afforded them great pleasure meet their employees as they had done that evening, and he was of opinion if they had more such meetings it would be better, and he believed the firm would be prepared to do as much or more on some future occasion. During the evening there was a plentiful supply of refreshments, and games of various kinds were played. The party broke up at a late hour, after thoroughly enjoying themselves.
VACCINATIONOn Sunday evening Mr. J. Burns gave a lecture in the New Hall, entitled "Vaccination as a religious question; or, is it in accordance with the will of God." The Hall was crowded. The Rev. G. Garlick presided, and the proceedings were opened by the audience singing the hymn, ''Standing by a purpose true," from Sankey's hymn book, after which the rev. gentleman read the 6th chap, of Micah, and offered prayer. Then the audience sang "Hold the fort." The Chairman said he did not know how to say "No" to the deputation that waited upon him and asked him to preside, to assist him in raising the question from the secular to the sacred. For himself he could hardly distinguish between the two, as everything that was good to a religious man was sacred. He then introduced Mr. Burns, who took a verse from the Gospel by St. Matthew, on the sin of offending the little ones. He said his opinion of religion was to cease from doing evil and learning to do well, and was expressed by the Apostle in the words, "Do thyself no harm," but vaccination never said so, as it did harm to the helpless children. The usual arguments on the question were then advanced as to the origin of vaccination, how the matter was procured, and the evil results following in some cases. The treatment of small-pox, and the passing of the Compulsory Act in the small hours of the morning, and the interested motives of the medical profession in supporting the system were touched upon, and the way magistrates carried out the act also came in for criticism. He considered the whole system degrading, immoral, and irreligious. The lecture was listened to with the greatest attention.
DIORAMIC LECTUREOn Wednesday evening a dioramic lecture, illustrated by some painted limelight pictures, 20ft. in diameter, illustrative of the Egyptian war, and the principal places in that country, was given by Mr. Fordes in the New Hall.The same gentleman gave the same entertainment in the Higham Ferrers Board Schools on Thursday evening.
Wellingborough News, 10th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
SATURDAY NIGHT ENTERTAINMENTOn Saturday evening the usual weekly entertainment was given in the New Hall by the employees of Messrs. Colson and Co. The chair was occupied by Mr. W. Clarke, who in the opening said that he thought it was a good idea to ask the firms in the village to give an entertainment each on Saturday evenings, as this would be quite a change for the audience, and, he hoped, a benefit to all. The following programme, which included some very nice selections by the Temperance Band (conducted by Mr. W. Skinner), was then gone through in a very efficient manner:Selection, band; duet, Messrs. C. West and C. Barker; recitation, Miss L. Cox; song, Mr. C. Barker, accompanied on the piano by Mr. A. Andrews; recitation, Miss C. Bailey; duet, Miss M. Bull and Mrs. Bull; reading, the chairman; song, Mr. T. West; selection, band; recitation, Mr. C. Barker; recitation, Mr. T. Barker; dialogue, Misses L. Cox, L. Tassell, F. Mackness, and C. Bailey, Mr. F. Bandy, and Master P. Lovell; song, Mr. C. Barker. The hall was almost full.
Wellingborough News, 17th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
RUSHDENerratumIn our report of the Saturday evening entertainment in last week's issue, read "the employees of Mr. W. Claridge," instead of "Messrs. Colson & Co."
Wellingborough News, 10th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
CONCERTOn Tuesday evening, Mr. J. E. Smith gave his annual concert in the New Hall, which was well filled. The programme was ably rendered and elicited hearty rounds of applause. Among the audience we noticed the Rev. Canon and Mrs. Barker, the Misses Barker (3), Rev. E. and Mrs. Templeman (Higham Ferrers), Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Shelton, Mr. C. H. Simpson, &c. The following was the programme;Piano duet, Misses Randall and Crew; duet, Masters Claridge and Lewis; song, Miss E. Randall; solo, Miss Henson; duet, Mr. Smith and Master W. Jolley; duet, Miss Parker and Master Lamb; song, Miss Pulpher (encored); solo, Miss M. Woodward; song, Miss Parker; duet, Miss and Miss A. Chambers; harmonium solo, Master F. Patrick; duet, Misses Finding and Pulpher; solo, Master A. Clarke; duet, Misses Burton and Herbert; song, Mr. Cawse; duet, Misses Measures and Chambers; solo, Master Lamb; overture (piano and harmonium), Miss Woodward, Messrs. J. E. Smith and J. Jolley; song, Miss Crew; duet, Master A. Clarke and Mr. J. E. Smith; solo, Miss Chambers; ballad, Miss M. Woodward (encore); fantasia, Mr. Cawse. After this an operetta, "Dick Whittington," in three acts, was very creditably performed. The following were the dramatis personae:Dick Whittington, Master F. Denton; Fitzstephen, Mr, Cawse; Alice, Miss Parker; Dorothy, Miss M. Woodward; Captain Jack, Master Lamb; King of Goldifornia, Mr. A. Marchant; Queen of Goldifornia, Miss M. Barker; Buffononia, Master Claridge; ladies in waiting, Misses Crew, Templeman, and Randalls; John, Master H. Lewis; messenger, Master A. Jolley.
Wellingborough News, 10th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
MEETING AT RUSHDENOn Thursday evening week, a meeting in connection with the United Kingdom Alliance was held in the New Hall, Rushden, Mr. J. H. Raper and Mr. W. Mart attending as a deputation. The Rev. Canon Barker presided, and was supported on the platform by the Rev. E. Templeman (Higham Ferrers). Rev. G. Garlick (Rushden), Rev. T. Bromage (Wellingborough), and Messrs. J. Cave, T. Burton, C. Bayes, W. Packwood, T. Wilmott, E. Knight, and J. Claridge (hon. sec.) There was a large attendance.
The Chairman, in his opening address, said the people of Rushden differed on very many matters about Liberals and Tories, about the great question of vaccination(loud applause)about the advantages of the establishment or disestablishment of the Church of England (laughter)about the making of boots, &c., but they were all agreed as to the necessity of wiping out the evils of drink and the stain of being a nation of drunkards, as that was the title they got very frequently in other nations and in their own colonies. They might differ as to the means to be adopted, but the members of all Temperance Societies should put their shoulders to the wheel to wipe out this disgrace. (Applause) The object of the meeting that evening was to urge on the Government the need of further legislative enactments in regard to the licensing laws. He (the speaker) was distinctly of opinion that these laws were now out of date, and that some alteration was necessary. Lord Hartington had said it was now possible to deal with the licensing laws. He indicated certain steps which might be taken, but he did not think they would satisfy the representatives of the United Kingdom Alliance, Lord Hartington, however, said he felt the Government must deal with this question, because the public were ripe for it. (Applause)
Mr. E. Knight moved the first resolution, as follows: "That having regard to the number and magnitude of the evilssocial, moral, and politicalconstantly and inevitably resulting from the licensed sale of intoxicating liquors, this meeting is deeply convinced that the legislative suppression of the traffic has now become the greatest social problem of the age, and that, for its solution, it urgently demands a practical and effective measure of Imperial prohibition or of Local Option, including a direct popular veto." He said he had not words half good enough to speak after the Chairman in supporting the resolution, which was pointed, short, and earnest. He had confidence in the Government, and alluded to Lord Hartington's opinion that the question might be brought before Parliament during the forthcoming Session.
Rev. G. Garlick, in seconding the resolution, said he would not stand in the way of Messrs. Mart and Raper, but he did not like the word "prohibition." He looked upon it with suspicion, but Local Option had his warmest support. He conceived that self-preservation was commendable, and we had very properly passed laws to put down slavery, lotteries, &c.; and as drink was the Colossus of the day, it was the duty of the Government to take that question in hand.
Mr. Mart, in supporting the resolution, said there were many people who had net thoroughly looked the matter up. If he had been a rich man, he would put into every house in the land the last pamphlet of Mr. Hoyle, of Manchester, whose figures were always incontrovertible. He had noticed many of his letters in the Times, and after-wards had read its leading articles on Mr Hoyle, but he thought no one who had done so could doubt for a moment that Mr. Hoyle's figures could not be seriously challenged. He regarded it as ominous when the best men and women in the land say something must be done to remove the curse of strong drink. In the United Kingdom there are 2,000 villages having no public-houses, and in which you could not obtain a glass or alcoholic drink. They wanted power to stop the privilege of the publican to sell these things. What was the cause that in these villages no drink was sold? It was because the owners of property said, as they had a perfect right to say, that they would not have their estates used for the drink traffic. As fast as you put up houses for drink you increase poverty, pauperism, rates, and taxes, and you cannot do away with the effect without doing away with the causes. He feared that the number and magnitude of the evils caused by the licensing facilities for the sale of intoxicating liquors were not generally recognised. If they were, the people would see ……………………
Wellingborough News, 17th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
RUSHDEN TEMPERANCE MISSIONDuring the present week a series of meetings have been held in the New Hall in connection with the Blue Ribbon movement. On Sunday special sermons bearing on the subject were preached in several places of worship, and at eight o'clock in the evening a united prayer meeting was held, when a large number attended. On Monday the Rev. W. A. Davis presided, and addresses were delivered by Messrs. Vorley and Young, of Leicester, and Rae, of Reading. About 20 pledges were taken and a large number donned the Blue Ribbon. On Tuesday a midday meeting was held, opened by Mr. Ball. Short addresses were given by Messrs. C. Pollard and J. Rae. There was a good attendance. In the evening the Large Hall was crowded, and the meeting was addressed by Mr. Ball (chairman), and Messrs. Croxford, Pollard, and Rae. At the close 35 pledges were taken.
Wellingborough News, 24th February 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
THE TEMPERANCE MISSIONOn Saturday evening, about 400 sat down to tea in the New Hall, in two sittings. After tea, an experience meeting was held, the hall being crammed. On Sunday Mr. Durant conducted a religious service in the same place, when the Hall was again filled.
SEQUEL TO THE MISSION WEEK On Tuesday last two worthy followers of Sir Wilfrid Lawson and Mr. Booth might have been seen trundling down the village street towards the Coffee tavern three barrels of the baneful drink. Arrived at their destination, two of the barrels were emptied of their contents, which ran into the sewer. It is stated that two topers, having been pricked in their consciences, were induced to sign the pledge, and one of them having two barrels in the house, and the other one barrel, it was thought these might prove a snare to the converts, and they accordingly consented to have them poured out on the shrine of temperance. The third barrel was kept for exhibition purposes. We hear that the Temperance Society will pay the value of all the beer thrown away.
Wellingborough News, 10th March 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
For the benefit of the Rushden Cricket Club,
Will be given in the above Hall,
The following Ladies and Gentlemen have kindly promised their assistance:
Doors open at a Quarter-past Seven. Concert to commence at a Quarter to Eight.
Admission, 2s., 1s., and 6d. Tickets of the Committee, of Mr. HEWITT, and at the Coffee Tavern.
Wellingborough News, 10th March 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
GRAND EVENING CONCERTThe Cricket Club announce a grand evening concert in the New Hall on Monday next. Particulars appear in our advertising columns.
GYMNASTICSOn Monday afternoon the Wellingborough Athletic Club gave an assault-at-arms and exhibition in the New Hall to a fair audience. The Rushden Temperance Band was in attendance, and played suitable music during the evening. No doubt the other attraction acted adversely as to numbers.
Wellingborough News, 17th March 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
LIBERAL ASSOCIATIONMr. J. Howes, of Armley Leeds, will lecture in the New Hall on Tuesday next, on "How do the Tories defend the Church." Chair to be taken at 7.30.
Wellingborough News, 5th May 1883, transcribed by Kay Collins
BAND OF HOPE ENTERTAINMENTOn Saturday evening, the 21st ult., the Higham Ferrers Church of England Temperance Society gave an entertainment in the New Hall. In the absence of the president (the Rev. E. Templeman), Mr. O. Parker presided, and songs, recitations, dialogues, &c., were given by the Misses Parker, Randall, Baxter, and Richardson, and Messrs. Randall and Peacock. There was a good attendance, and the entertainment gave great satisfaction.
BLUE RIBBON MOVEMENTOn Wednesday and Thursday evenings, the 26th and 27th ult., Mr. T. Whitaker, the celebrated temperance lecturer, and late Mayor of Scarborough, gave two of his characteristic lectures, accompanied by his wonderful rattle, in the New Hall, to large audiences. A good choir was in attendance both evenings, and the Temperance Band called the people together by parading the village. The Rev. W. A. Davis presided on Wednesday, and Mr. Gross, of Caldecot, the second evening. Several pledges were taken each evening.
PROPERTY SALEOn Monday evening Messrs. Pendered & Son offered for sale at the Coffee Tavern the following properties:- Lot 1, comprising a draper's shop and two dwelling-houses, situate opposite the Coffee Tavern, and occupied by Mr. O. Knight. This was started at £300, and knocked down to Mr. G. Perkins for £350. We understand it was purchased for Mr. Knight. Lot 2, comprising dwelling-house and carpenter's shop, and adjoining Lot 1, in the occupation of Mr. W. Foskett; this was sold to Mr. John Jacquest for Mr. Hewitt, for £450. A shoe manufactory and dwelling-house, situate in Duck-street, in the occupation of the vendor, Mr. W. Sargent, was offered, but the reserve not being reached, it was withdrawn. Ten shares in the Irthlingborough Gas Company were next put up, and sold to Mr. J. Saxby, of Irthlingborough, for £7 per share, the price of issue being £10.
Wellingborough News, 5th April 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins
RUSHDENIt will be seen from an advertisement in another column that Mr. Bradlaugh will lecture in the New Hall on Saturday evening next on "The political situation from a Radical standpoint." The Hall has been obtained in accordance with the resolution recently passed by the Directors to grant the building for political purposes to any local association.
Wellingborough News, 4th October 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins
INVITATION BALLSOn Saturday evening last, as well as on the preceding Monday and Tuesday evenings, invitation balls were held in the New Hall, in connection with the Rushden Temperance Band, who, under the direction of Mr. W. Skinner performed some excellent dance music to the delight of large and select audiences.
Wellingborough News, 8th November 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins
INVITATION SUPPEROn Friday evening last, a company of about 30 sat down to an excellent fish supper provided by the directors of the Rushden Coffee House Company, in the commercial room. Messrs. W. Wilkins, G. Denton, P. Cave, and W. Foskett, presided at the tables. Subsequent to the removal of the cloth, light refreshments were served, and a social evening was spent. Mr. W. Wilkins occupied the chair, and Mr. Packwood, who was invited to explain the objects of the meeting, said the directors had thought it would be a capital plan if upon Friday or any other convenient evening, a social meeting could be regularly held once a week, that should compete with the attraction of the tap-room and the public house. He felt convinced that good would result, if such a meeting could be sustained. The directors would do all they could to further the scheme in the way of accommodation and attention, but it was for those assembled to decide what character the meetings should take. Numerous speeches were made in support of such a weekly gathering, and hints as to organisation and management were given, but nothing definite was decided upon. The party broke up at ten o'clock, having spent a very pleasant evening.
Wellingborough News, 15th November 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins
SOCIAL MEETINGThe second social evening was spent in the commercial room at the Coffee House on Friday last, Mr. G. Denton in the chair.
Wellingborough News, 6th December 1884, transcribed by Kay Collins
Musical Services For The PeopleThe first of a series of special religious services was held on Sunday afternoon last in the New Hall. Mr. H. Packwood presided, and was supported by the Rev. Burnett (Bedford), and Mr. G. Denton. The platform was also occupied by a choir consisting of Messrs. W. Skinner (leader), J. Farey, J. Mackness, and Misses Wilby, Ellis, F. Skinner, B. Skinner, M. Denton, S. Farey, and C. Button. Messrs. K. Skinner, Abbott, and Robinson assisted with silver instruments. Mrs. C. K. Fisher presided at the harmonium, and Mr. G. Farey at the piano. The service opened with a hymn and prayer, and after another hymn a chorus from Daniel, "Sing, oh sing, unto the Lord," was rendered by the choir. The Chairman explained that the services originated with the Choral Society, and they wished them to be of such a nature as should not in any way interfere with the religious services or spiritual instruction.
Rushden Argus, 20th December 1889, transcribed by Kay Collins
BAZAAR AND CHRISTMAS TREEThe Temperance Silver Band will hold a bazaar and Christmas Tree in the Public Hall on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 27th and 28th. Mr. Maurice Child's choir of Little Lady and Lasses will assist on Friday in their character pieces. On Saturday there will also be a public tea. (Advt.)
Northampton Mercury Saturday January 18th 1890, transcribed by Susan Manton
United servicesThe week of united services among the Non-conformist bodies of Rushden was brought to a successful termination on Sunday evening, when a special evangelistic service was held in the Public Hall. The hall was well filled, Rev. A. Smith (Congregational), the Rev. T. G. Harper (Independent Wesleyan), the Rev. W.J. Tomkins was expected, but owing to illness was unable to be present.
Wellingborough News, 17th October 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
Reserve Wednesday, Oct. 29th, for Dr Allinson’s Lecture on Health, in the Public Hall, Rushden. (Advt.)
Wellingborough News, 7th November 1890, transcribed by Kay Collins
CREMONA UNIONThis party gave a series of concerts at the Public Hall on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evening, but were only moderately patronised.
Rushden Echo, 22nd December 1899, transcribed by Kay Collins
The Grand Bazaar and Fancy Fair to be held at the Public-hall on Boxing-day and Wednesday next will be well worth a visit, and all who have the welfare of the Football Club at heart should make a point of attending.