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The Waggon and Horses Inn
Sketch by William Green
William Green's sketch of the old thatched Waggon & Horses
drawn to accompany an article about old "Dossey" Bolton
Another sketch (unknown artist) of the Waggon & Horses at the
time when Hannah Wood was landlady, with tiled roof

Northampton Mercury, 27th August 1802

Estates in Rushden

To be Sold by Auction
By Mr Thomson

On Friday the 27th Day of August 1802, at Five o’Clock in the Afternoon, at the House of John Mason, known by the Sign of the Waggon-and-Horses, in Rushden, in the County of Northampton, in three Lots.

Morris Whiting was inn keeper with his wife Mary here in the 1850s. Their servant was Harriott Hewitt.

24 September 1870 - Northampton Mercury 

TO BE LET, THE WAGGON and HORSES INN, Rushden, with BUTCHERING BUSINESS attached, with or without Six Acres of Pasture LAND, from the 11th October next. The above is a good Inn, and offers a good opportunity to a respectable man with little capital, as ….

c1890 An outworker delivering his shoe work to a small factory of John Cave near the
yard of the old Waggon & Horses - the middle building - and Robert Butcher's shop.
The trees near the gateway to Rushden Hall, and beyond is the old Coach & Horses.

The Wood family in the yard of the old ‘Waggon and Horses’
shortly before the building was rebuilt in 1892.
L-r: Mr and Mrs Walt Wood, Mrs A Wood - landlady with grandson
Will Wood, Mr and Mrs John Wood.

Wellingborough News, 27th September 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

RUSHDEN—LUNCHEONSOn Tuesday, the respected landlord of the Waggon and Horses Inn, entertained his friends to luncheon. The company numbered 140. A very superior luncheon was provided, and, under the presidency of Mr. Pantling, a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon and evening were spent. The vice-chair was filled by Mr. T. Childs. The health of the landlord (Mr. J. Wood) was proposed and drunk with enthusiasm.—On Wednesday, Mr. E. Cox, landlord of the New Inn, provided a similar entertainment for his friends, numbering about a hundred. Mr. Stanton presided, and Mr. E. Clarke officiated as vice-chairman. The National School Band played at intervals during the day.
Note: The New Inn was later renamed the Railway Hotel

Wellingborough News, 1st November 1879, transcribed by Kay Collins

RENT SUPPER On Saturday evening, the tenants of Mr. Joseph, and the executors of the late Mr. J. Gross sat down to a capital supper, served up in Mrs. Wood's best style, at the Waggon and Horses Inn, Rushden. The room was prettily decorated. Mr. W. Gross, who presided, proposed the health of the tenants, after which the health of the landlord was duly honoured, and the evening was spent in a convivial manner, some amusing harmony being contributed by several of the company. The health of the host and hostess was cordially drunk. Their catering for the occasion was much admired.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, February 21st, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

PIGEON SHOOTINGA Pigeon Shooting Party will meet at Mr. Wood’s, at the Waggon and Horses Inn, Rushden, on Tuesday, 24th of February 1880, when all gentlemen interested in the neighbourhood are invited to attend. Five traps on the grounds and first bird at 11a.m. A Hot Dinner will be provided.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 23rd, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

MR. SHERWOOD AND HIS TENANTSOn Monday evening Mr. Sherwood, as is his custom once a year, entertained his tenants and friends, to the number of about 50, to supper at the Wagon and Horses Inn, a very excellent repast being provided by Mrs. Wood, the estimable landlady. Mr. Sherwood proposed the health of his tenants, and observed, in the course of his remarks, that this was the sixteenth time he had had the pleasure of entertaining them. His property was now the cheapest in Rushden, and it had become necessary for him to raise the rent of his houses; and for the future his tenants would pay their rent quarterly instead of yearly. Mr. Sherwood also proposed the health of his friends.—Mr. S. Knight, sen., responded, and regretted that their old friend, Mr. J. Goss was prevented by indisposition from being present.—Mr. Sherwood proposed the health of his agent, (Mr. J. Packwood,) and expressed a hope that next year each of his tenants would have a Parliamentary vote, and exercise it according to their honest convictions.—The remainder of the evening was spent in an entertaining manner.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, November 6th, 1880, transcribed by Kay Collins

SUPPER—On Wednesday evening the tenants of Messrs. W. & J. Gross were entertained to a sumptuous supper, served by Mrs. Wood, at the Wagon and Horses Inn. Mr. W. Gross presided, and, in a few happy words, proposed the health of his tenants. He next proposed the health of Mr. J. Gross, whom he was pleased to see present. Mr. Gross responded, and hoped he might live to meet the company on a similar occasion another year. The health of the Host and Hostess was proposed by Mr. Gross, sen., who spoke very highly of Mrs. Wood's catering.

Wellingborough & Kettering News, October 8th, 1881, transcribed by Kay Collins

THE FEASTTuesday week last was the day selected by the several innkeepers of the village to entertain their friends and patrons, and Mr. J. Herbert, of the Wheat Sheaf, laid a most sumptuous spread before his friends, and 90 honoured him with their presence. After doing justice to the substantial viands Mr. E. Lewis was appointed chairman, and was ably assisted by Mr. Ward, and a social and convivial afternoon was spent in harmony and goodfellowship. Mr. Wood, of the Wagon and Horses, very ably catered for about 50 of his friends who did ample justice to the good things provided.

After lunch Mr. T. Childs was called upon to preside, and a social afternoon was spent. Mr. Ette, of the Feathers, also entertained 60 of his friends at lunch at the Feathers, and Mr. T. White presided over a very social party.
[extract from an article about the Feast]

boxer the yard at the Waggon
Boxer - a labourer from the Potteries.
He was taken to Powell's to have his photo taken after a bout at the Waggon & Horses c1890.
He came to fight "Buck Turner" who refused, so Walt Wood, aged 17, took up the challenge.

In 1892 the Waggon & Horses was rebuilt.

The Argus, 29th December 1893, transcribed by Kay Collins

Rushden Notes —The annual dinner of the members of the Conservative Club took place in that building [Congregational School Room] on Wednesday evening last, when about 60 persons partook of a substantial hot dinner provided by Host and Hostess Hobbs, of the Waggon and Horses Inn. After dinner the company adjourned till eight o'clock, when a good programme of music was provided. Mr. Will Bacchus, of Northampton, who was especially engaged for the occasion, gave several songs in good style.

electriciy cabling
Installation of electric cable in Rushden in 1905
when Mr Hobbs was the landlord.

Rushden Echo, 3rd October 1919, transcribed by Kay Collins

Flight Over Rushden

Yesterday at midday Mr. Frank Wilkins, landlord of the “Waggon and Horses” Inn made a flight in an aeroplane over Rushden.

We understand that a pilot with a journalist passenger landed between Bedford and Rushden on Wednesday evening with engine trouble. The two gentlemen stayed the night at the “Waggon and Horses,” and during Thursday dinner-hour the pilot flew over Rushden with Mr. Wilkins as a passenger. Mr. Wilkins dropped one or two messages while he was encircling the town.

The frontage in the 1930s
Frank Wilkins
Frank Wilkins - Landlord of the Waggon and Horses Inn
from 1914 to 1936

Rushden Echo & Argus, 23rd January 1931 [ref 1881 & 1889]

Mr. Hobbs was a licensed victualler in early life and after marriage he was at Olney as landlord of “The Castle.” Subsequently he spent a year at Stratford-on-Avon, where he occupied “The Anchor,” but returned to Olney to become licensee of the “Duke William.”

The next and final move was to Rushden, where Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs have resided more than 40 years. They were for 16 years at the “Wagon and Horses,” in High-street South, retiring in 1905.
[Part of an article - Golden Wedding] [see also inquest 1902]

Moore's and the Waggon
George Moore's and the Waggon & Horses - perhaps the 1960s
In the 1960s

E A Moore's confectioners
left of the
Waggon & Horses
had earlier been Jinny Wells' shop

The thatched property (right)
of costumier
Florence Simpson

Perhaps the 1970s before the
sign was replaced

The Waggon and Horses - rebuilt in 1892 - the period of "Civic Pride".
It was closed around 2000, and turned into a restaurant in 2006.
Left - an old sign, and above - detail of the coloured glass in the top windows
and the building when it was boarded up.
Photographs by Brian Shelton

in the 1980s
The Waggon Horses in the 1980s when they sold
Watney's Red Barrel ale - note the barrel over the sign

In 1995 as a VE remembrance parade passes

More of High Street South in earlier times

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