1872 |
General School Rushden - Opened April 8
Apr 8 |
Commenced the duties of this school. 59 Names were enrolled, the great majority being boys. |
On classifying the scholars, found the Standard of attainment to be remarkably low, the majority not being able to do the work of Standard I. |
Visited several times during the week by the managers. |
Taught a Marching Song and endeavoured to get the children to keep step whilst singing it. |
Last hour on Friday afternoon spent in singing and marching. |
Apr 15 |
The number has increased from 59 to 76. Divided Standard I into two parts, began to teach the upper part simple Addition and the lower, the formation of letters. |
Apr 17 |
Charles Luther Bradfield commenced duty with a view to becoming a Pupil Teacher. |
Apr 19 |
Taught a School song. |
Apr 26 |
Admitted 6 new Scholars this week, making the number on the books 82. Visited by the Rev R E Bradfield. Visited also by Mr Wilkins who took a class in Reading. |
May 3 |
The average for the week is 71·9. Some of the children in the upper part of Standard I are beginning to work Simple Addition correctly, but the majority are yet unable to work a sum correctly. |
May 10 |
Admitted five new scholars this week. Several of the children who have attended the National School during the past year are at the examination held today. |
Taught a marching song. |
May 17 |
Admitted four new scholars this week. Visited by Mr Wilkins who took a class in Reading. |
Gave copy books to the bigger boys and girls in the upper part of Standard I. |
May 24 |
School closed during the whole of Whit-week. |
May 31 |
Admitted two new scholars this week. Five scholars have left, two of whom are coming again; the reasons given by the three others is satisfactory. |
All the classes seem to making progress, steadily, in all subjects, with the exception of the Arithmetic of the upper part of Standard I. |
Visited during the week by the managers. |
Taught a Marching song. Was pleased with the Marching and Singing. |
June 7 |
Admitted one new scholar. Five children have been absent for two whole weeks sent after them and found they had left the school, the reasons, however, were satisfactory. |
A very heavy shower of rain on Thursday about 2pm. And as it continued many of the children were prevented from coming to school; this has affected the average for the week. |
Find on examining several of the copy-books finished this week, a marked improvement. |
Taught a new ‘School Song’. |
June 10 |
Admitted three new scholars this morning, two of whom are coming only half-time. |
June 11 |
Very wet in the afternoon, consequently several of the scholars were absent. |
June 14 |
There is an improvement in Standard II in reading. |
Mr Wilkins visited the School. |
Taught a new ‘School Song’. |
June 17 |
Admitted one new scholar who will attend half-time. |
June 19 |
A very heavy shower of rain at 2pm, consequently several of the scholars were late, and a few were absent all the afternoon. |
Two boys who have attended this school during the time they have been visiting at Rushden (6 weeks) have left this week. |
June 21 |
Was well pleased by the spirit manifested by the children during the Singing lesson. |
June 26 |
Visited by two gentlemen from Wellingborough. |
Find a little improvement in the Arithmetic of the upper part of Standard I. |
June 28 |
Visited by a Friend from the North who spent nearly the whole of the morning in Teaching. |
Gave a half-holiday. |
July 1 |
Admitted two new scholars. |
July 3 |
Visited by Mr Wilkins. |
July 4 |
Two ladies and a gentleman visited the school, the latter being a teacher from Taunton. |
Jul 5 |
Owing to Temperance Festivals and village annual Feast also being celebrated in the neighbouring villages, the attendance this week has been very bad, many of the scholars have been absent all the week, others have only attended about half the time. The number on the books is 92 and the average for the week only 64·4. |
Taught a School Song. |
July 12 |
The attendance during the week has been more satisfactory. |
Examined the upper part of Standard I in Arithmetic the result was not satisfactory. |
There is an improvement in writing throughout the school. |
Visited by Rev E Bradfield. |
July 19 |
Visited during the week by several ladies, also by the Managers. |
Find that Standard IV is making satisfactory progress in all Subjects have been much pleased during the week with their Reading and Arithmetic. |
The average this week is better that that of several weeks past, being 75·1. |
Taught a new School Song “With sickles a gleaming brightly”. |
July 26 |
The heat has been intense throughout the week; this being the case, it has been a matter of great difficulty to keep the children in working order, most of them would have preferred sleep. |
Watered the floor, and sent for water to drink, every day. |
On Thursday morning, owing to a heavy thunderstorm, it became so dark that it was utterly impossible to see to work. All work suspended for a quarter of an hour. |
A boy belonging to Standard II has left school and gone to work. Another is reported to have gone to the “National School”. |
Singing as usual on Friday afternoon. |
Aug 2 |
Visited on Monday by Mr Dickens, one of the managers. |
The attendance on Tuesday was very thin, owing to a heavy rain falling all day. |
No school on Wednesday afternoon, owing to the Scholars’ (in connection with the Baptist and Wesleyan Sunday schools) Treat. The whole of the day school, with 10 exceptions, are scholars at one or the other of these Sunday Schools. |
Singing and marching on Friday. |
Aug 8 |
The attendance has been rather thin this week, the average being only 63·5. Impossible to continue work on Wednesday afternoon, owing to a most terrific thunderstorm. |
Broke up this afternoon for “Harvest Holidays”. |
Sept 9 |
Resumed duty this morning, the number present being 59. |
Many are staying away for the simple reason that the “Annual Feast” will be held in a fortnight “Coming after the Feast” is the cry. |
Sept 13 |
The average for the week is 60·3. Singing Lesson as usual. Admitted one new Scholar. |
Sept 16 |
Admitted two girls who are now staying at Rushden. |
Commenced Subtraction with Standard I. |
Sept 19 |
Mr Knight, a member of the Committee, visited the School. |
Have been pleased during the week with the writing of Standard II. Standard I still lags behind. |
School will be closed, owing to the Feast, Monday and Tuesday. Duty will, if possible, be resumed on Wednesday morning. |
Sept 27 |
No school during the whole of the week on account of the Feast. |
Sept 30 |
Admitted six new scholars, three of whom are coming half days. The attendance is a little better. |
Visited this morning by a member of the Committee. |
Oct 4 |
Remarkably cold all day. Gave the children exercise for 10 min (before commencing work in the morning) in marching, clapping, singing &c, after which they said they were much more comfortable, and could begin to work. |
Singing in the afternoon. Taught a new ‘marching song’ “March away”. |
Oct 7 |
Admitted three new scholars this morning (boys); One from Wymington over 12, one from Rushden, and one from Higham Ferrers. |
Began with one fire this morning. |
Oct 8 |
Admitted another new scholar. |
Oct 11 |
Am pleased with the improvement, in writing, in every Standard, especially in Standard II. |
Standard I is improving in Arithmetic but very slowly. Two boys in this Standard seem absolutely incapable as regards Arithmetic. |
The attendance is becoming somewhat better, the average this week being 75·2. Several, however, frequently absent themselves, occasionally for a week at a time; this seems to be the neglect of the parents. A few are not coming any more until next Spring. |
Singing lesson this afternoon. Taught a round of four voices “Come sing a round”. This was the first we had tried. Was greatly pleased by the way it was sung. All seemed delighted by the harmony they produced. |
This week, the rooms have been very cold and dull, without fires, the reason being that we have had no coals. |
Oct 14 |
Began this morning with fires. Mr Tailby and Mr Knight visited the school this afternoon, and stayed until school was closed. |
Am pleased to find that the Managers now visit the school somewhat frequently. |
The Infant class is making a little progress, especially in writing. |
Oct 18 |
Find that the work in Standard II is making progress. |
On examining Standard I, found an improvement in Writing; the Arithmetic, however, still lags. |
Oct 21 |
Admitted two new Scholars this morning. |
Oct 22 |
Public Tea in the School room. This did not interfere with the school duty, as it was held at 5pm. The proceeds are to go to the school fund. |
Oct 25 |
Find that the Infant class is making a little progress in Reading. |
After drilling Standard I in Arithmetic (their weakest Subject & in fact the weakest part in the school) gave them an examination this morning. Was pleased with several of the children; the result however, owing to the fact that some had every example wrong and others only one or two correct, was not so good as I expected. Met with a case of surprising quickness in Arithmetic: Louisa Colson 7 years old, was admitted Sept 9. She then had no knowledge whatever of Arithmetic, but now she can work both Addition and Subtraction with absolute correctness. |
Oct 28 |
Admitted one new scholar this morning. |
Oct 30 |
Very wet this morning many of the children absent. |
Nov 1 |
Mr Wilkins visited the school. Singing and marching from 3 to 4. Taught a round of three voices “Follow, Follow”. |
Nov 4 |
Admitted one new scholar. |
Began to teach Long Division Standard II. |
Nov 5 |
Suspended the work of the Time Table between 11 & 12 (except in reference to the Infant Class) and gave a lesson on “Gunpowder Plot”. Was pleased with the way in which it interested the children. |
Nov 8 |
Examined Standard I in Reading; found that they needed great attention. |
Standard II commenced to do transcription in books. Great care has been taken in the first two exercises. Gave the children praise for it and urged them to be determined to do each exercise well, and also keep the work free from blots and dirt. |
Nov 11 |
Alfred Dickens (Standard II) whilst playing in the Street on Friday evening had a leg broken. |
Nov 13 |
Pleased to find that several in the Infant Class could name (at once) any of the capital letters. |
Nov 14 |
Very wet morning. A few absent on that account. |
Nov 15 |
Tested Standards I & II in Arithmetic; found a little improvement in the former. |
Taught a new Marching Song “Gloomy looks the sky today”. Am sorry to find the average for the week to be below that of any previous week, during the present quarter. |
Nov 22 |
Admitted two new scholars this week. |
Several children have been absent during the last few weeks, the reason given being “the Weather”. Left out their names as their parents do not intend sending them during the Winter. |
Pleased to find an improvement in Writing throughout the school. Standard I making a little progress in Arithmetic. |
Taught a round of two voices “Laurel Wreaths”. |
Nov 29 |
Admitted five new scholars this week. Visited on Thursday afternoon by two members of the Committee. |
Singing from 3 to 4. Taught a School Song, - “Before all lands in East or West”. |
The average present during the week is very good being 78·9 the number on the books, 94. |
Dec 6 |
Pleased to find general improvement in Standards III and IV. Singing lesson. Practised the songs already taught. |
Dec 13 |
Admitted one new scholar this week. The children in Standard II are making satisfactory progress. There is improvement in the Reading and writing of Standard I, the Arithmetic however, seems the most difficult subject with the majority. Taught a New Song “March of the men of Harlech”. |
Dec 16 |
Two of the children are staying at home on account of Typhus Fever being in the house. |
Dec 20 |
Gave the whole School an examination this week. The result on the whole was quite good as I expected. The Arithmetic in Standards II, III & IV was creditable; that of Standard I improving. The Reading throughout was very fair. Was pleased with the improvement in this subject made in Standard I. The Infant class is improving a little. |
The weather now is excessively wet, consequently the number of scholars becomes less; the average this week is only 68, while, a month ago, it was 78. |
Closed school this morning for Xmas holiday. Duties will be resumed on Monday Jan 6 1873. |
(Gave the P.T. an examination. Found him to have made considerable improvement) |
1873 |
Jan 6 |
Resumed school duties this morning and was very glad to find the number pretty good. |
Admitted one new scholar. |
Alfred Dickens who had a leg broken in Nov. last came again this morning. |
Jan 8 |
Obliged to put out the fires on account of the room being full of smoke caused by the wind being contrary. |
Jan 10 |
Practised the song “March of the men of Harlech”; the children can now sing it very nicely. |
A short visit by one of the members of the Committee. |
Jan 13 |
Was pleased with the Dictation exercise of Standard II. About one third of the class had no errors in Spelling, and most of the others had only one or two. |
The P.T. left at 3. A monitor took charge of the class during the remainder of the afternoon. |
Jan 14 |
Admitted a new scholar this morning, from Higham Ferrers. |
Jan 17 |
Find the Arithmetic in Standard I to be a little better. |
Examined the Infant class in Reading. Pleased with the improvement. |
Taught a sacred song “Children of Jerusalem”. |
Jan 20 |
Admitted two new scholars this morning. |
The weather which has hitherto been remarkably mild, is now very keen, consequently the children can with difficulty keep warm allowed them to go in turns to the fires during writing lesson. |
Jan 24 |
Closed school on Tuesday afternoon at 3.30 on account of a Tea-meeting being held in the room. |
Examined Standard I in Reading. Found that several could read pretty fairly. Those, however, who have been admitted at different times since the opening of the school make only a very moderate show. |
Jan 27 |
Some of the children stayed away this afternoon to see a funeral procession. |
Jan 28 |
The P.T. asked to go out this morning. Allowed him to do so and supplied his place by a monitor. |
Many of the children, owing to the sudden and somewhat great change in the weather, have severe colds. One or two are obliged to stay at home. |
Jan 31 |
Find that owing to the severity of the weather, the average this week is affected 72 against 76 last week. Admitted one new scholar this week. |
Feb 3 |
Very Winterly this morning the ground thickly covered with snow consequently a great many children were absent. There were in fact, only 28 present at 9. About a dozen more made their appearance after school was opened. |
Feb 4 |
No sewing this afternoon. |
Feb 5 |
The attendance is much better this morning, but many, especially belonging to the Infant class are still absent. |
Feb 7 |
Find on making up the books, that the average this week, owing to the weather, is remarkably poor, being only 55·8. |
Unable to take the singing this afternoon on account of having a violent cold. |
Feb 14 |
Allowed the P.T. to have the afternoon off supplied his place by a monitor. |
Some of the children in the Infant class are beginning to work Addition sums of one line. |
Taught a new glee “The village Choristers”. Pleased to find that the children liked it remarkably will. |
Feb 17 |
Gave Standard I an exercise in Dictation this afternoon, instead of the lesson (Transcription) marked on the Time Table. The sentence was a simple one, from the reading book used in that Standard and the result both in relation to spelling and printing was fairly good. |
Gave Standard II an examination on paper; the style is more neat than in the previous exam. |
Feb 21 |
Examined Standard I in all Subjects: was pleased to find improvement in Arithmetic. |
Singing in the afternoon. Practised several of the songs previously taught. |
Feb 25 |
Very stormy (snow falling heavily) this morning. Very few scholars present at school in the afternoon. |
Feb 28 |
Singing in the afternoon. Revised the songs taught during the year. |
Mar 7 |
Admitted 6 new scholars this week. Gave each of the classes an Examination. Pleased with the work of Standard II. Standard I is making progress. |
The Attendance this week has been very good. Today however, it has not been nearly so good, owing to rain. |
Mar 11 |
Mr Wilkins paid a short visit this morning. |
A few children absent in the afternoon owing to a storm. |
Taught a new song “Lightly Row”. |
The average for the week is higher than that of any previous week in the Quarter, being 80·1. |
Mar 21 |
Improvement is being made throughout the school especially the Arithmetic of Standard I. |
Gave Standard I a Dictation exercise instead of Transcription on Monday afternoon. |
Very stormy today, consequently the attendance is not quite so good. |
Mar 28 |
Admitted three new scholars this week. The attendance in Standard II has been rather low, but in the other classes good. |
The number of scholars on the books is now 100, being greater than on any previous week since commencement of the school. The fourth quarter ends with this date. |
Mr Wilkins visited the school this morning. |
Received information to the effect that the Examination will not take place until May, thus causing the first year to consist of 13 months. |
Apr 4 |
Admitted 6 new scholars this week. Standard I became very large, removed the best of the children in that Standard; these now do their work along with Standard II. |
Apr 7 |
Admitted two new scholars this morning, one of whom lives at Higham Ferrers. One boy who has been absent a week on account of illness has come again. Another boy who has been absent a month for the same reason also came again this morning. |
Apr 10 |
Gave Standard I a Dictation exercise. Examined the Infant class. Pleased to find the progress made. |
Owing to the prevalence of very cold wind, several of the children are suffering from severe colds, some of them remaining at home. |
Visited this morning by the Secretary. |
There will be no school tomorrow being Good Friday. School duty will be suspended until Tuesday morning. |
Apr 15 |
Admitted 5 new scholars. Many of the children are absent. |
Apr 18 |
The attendance this week has been only poor. |
Several have left school this week. It is very discouraging to find that both boys and girls are taken away to work, at the age of 9 or 10. |
One boy has been absent a fortnight on account of illness. |
No sewing this week. |
Apr 21 |
Admitted two new scholars, one of whom comes from Higham Ferrers. |
Apr 24 |
Remarkably cold obliged to have fires. |
Apr 25 |
Taught a new song “Wild wood Flowers”. The singing this afternoon was very good. |
The attendance during the week has been very good, the average being 84·4. |
Apr 28 |
Admitted two scholars, one of whom was a scholar last year, but who left at the beginning of Winter. |
Apr 29 |
Received notice of H.M. Inspector’s visit Friday May 9. |
Apr 30 |
This being the first school year, 13 months have been allowed. This is the last day, the Registers will be marked until Friday. |
May 2 |
Gave all the classes an examination, the result of which was very fair. |
The P.T. has also had an examination, the result of which is satisfactory. |
In the afternoon practised most of the songs taught during the year. The singing is very good. |
May 5 |
Admitted a new scholar. A few children are absent on account of the weather. |
May 6 |
Gave the school an examination. |
May 7 |
Visited in the morning by Mr W E Currey Esq., H.M. Inspector, who inspected the premises, examined and signed the Time Table, heard the children sing, and heard P.T. take a class in Arithmetic. |
May 9 |
The first examination in connection with this school was held. The number of scholars presented was 61, of whom 19 were infants. The number present was 94, the number on the books being 104. Two children are absent on account of illness. |
Half holiday in the afternoon. |
May 12 |
Admitted two scholars, one of whom has come from the National School the other was a scholar in this school last year, but left in Winter. |
Admitted twop more scholars in the afternoon. |
Made the necessary alteration in each of the Standards and began another year’s work. |
May 14 |
P.T. was unwell in the morning stayed at home in the afternoon. |
May 16 |
All the classes have got into working order. The draft from Standard II to II are delighted to find themselves now able to work sums in Compound Addition. |
P.T. is still at home, his place having been supplied by monitors. |
May 19 |
The P.T. being well again resumed duty this morning. |
May 21 |
About 40 scholars absent this mporning on account of heavy rain. |
May 23 |
Two children have been absent this week, on account of illness. |
Tried to teach a new Song (The Winds) as it is somewhat long and difficult, the children were not able to sing it through. |
May 30 |
A few children are still absent on account of illness. One girl left this week, the reason being that shoe has left the place. There will be no school next week, being Whitsuntide. |
June 9 |
Admitted three new scholars this morning. |
June 11 |
Received a parcel of “Readers & Copy books” from the Depository, Homerton College. The copy books were needed badly, as nearly all the scholars were writing on slates. |
June 13 |
Not well enough to take classes in singing this afternoon gave them their work. |
Left the names of seven scholars off the books this week. |
There is great need of another boy being appointed “Monitor”, with a view to becoming P.T. |
Frequently have to put a class under the charge of a Monitor. |
June 20 |
Re-admitted two scholars this week. All the classes are making progress, especially Standard III. |
Visited on Wednesday morning by a gentleman from Northampton, and this morning by one of the Committee. |
Find that the Report has come this morning. |
Singing this afternoon as usual; instead of teaching a new song, gave the children a good practice in several of those taught in the past. |
June 20 |
H.M.I. Report for year ending April 30th 1873 (examination held May 9th). |
The school is in good order and has passed on the whole a good Examination. |
The Teaching Staff of the School consists of |
T. G. Hustwaite (Certificated R…, 2nd year) |
Charles Luther Bradfield (Pupil Teacher 2nd year) |
Correspondent Haydon Packwood. |
June 23 |
Re-admitted two boys one of whom has been from home, the other at work. |
The children who attend Higham Ferrers Wesleyan Sunday School were absent this afternoon, on account of their Annual Tea &c. |
June 27 |
Examined Standard I in Arithmetic found that some of them could work a simple Addition (three-line) correctly. |
Taught the song “Rule Britannia”. |
July 2 |
Find it hard work to teach Standard I Addition. |
No one to teach sewing this afternoon, brought the girls back again and gave them other work. |
July 3 |
Some of the children absent this afternoon, on account of a cricket match being played in a field near the school. |
July 4 |
Find that the number absent yesterday has affected the average 83 this week 88 last. |
July 7 |
Gave the children a half-holiday previously promised. |
July 8 |
Very poor school this morning, owing to a Temperance Holiday being held at Raunds, a village a few miles away; owing also to feasts being held at other villages. |
The attendance in the afternoon still worse. Closed school at 3. Did not mark the Registers. Gave no Home Work. |
July 9 |
The attendance a little better today. |
July 14 |
Poor school this afternoon, owing to the Anniversary Baptist Sunday School. |
July 16 |
The attendance is becoming a little better. |
July 18 |
Pleased, on examining several copy books finished, to find considerable progress. |
Taught a new “Marching Song” “The Playhour”. The singing very good. Several children absent this week on account of illness one boy having an attack of brain fever. |
Jul 22 |
Admitted a new scholar. |
Jul 23 |
Very poor attendance this morning sent after the absentees and found the reasons to be “Sickness” and “From Home”. |
The attendance in the afternoon somewhat better. |
July 24 |
no school in the afternoon on account of the Anniversary Reformers’ Sunday School. |
July 25 |
The attendance for the week is poor, owing to the fact that several children are unwell the average for the week is only 73. |
July 28 |
The attendance today very much better, the number present in the afternoon being 88. Several scholars however, are still absent on account of sickness. Admitted two new scholars (boys) in the afternoon. |
The classes are all making progress the Arithmetic of Standard I is the weakest part. |
Aug 1 |
Examined Standard I in Arithmetic & Writing found a little improvement. Gave the P.T. half-holiday. |
Aug 7 |
Some of the children are still absent on account of sickness. Singing this afternoon instead of Friday. Broke up for “Harvest Holidays”. |
Sept 8 |
Resumed duty this morning the number of scholars present being 64. |
Admitted a new scholar (boy). |
Admitted one more (girl) in the afternoon. |
Sep 12 |
The average for the week is very low being 61·9 the principal reason of absence is that the gleaning season is not over. A few of the parents however, entertain the idea (as was the case last year) that it will be no good sending the children again, until after the “feast”. |
Sep 15 |
Better attendance today, the number present being 75. |
Sep 19 |
Closed school this afternoon for a week on account of the Annual Feast. |
Sep 29 |
Resumed duty this morning. Glad to find the attendance better the number of scholars being 81. |
Oct 3 |
Find that the Arithmetic, especially in Standard I, requires very close attention. |
Examined the Infants’ class this morning, and was much pleased with several of the children. |
Singing lesson this afternoon taught a new song “Moral education”. |
Oct 7 |
8 scholars have left, four of whom have gone to Higham Ferrers School which was opened yesterday; the others have begun work. No school in the afternoon, the reason being that the scholars had a tea provided by the Committee. |
This project is "in progress". The gap will be filled later. |
1876 |
Nov 16 |
Very badly off for apparatus. Standard I, the longest in the school are almost unable to read for want of books, there being less than one book for two scholars. Then again, morning scholars are without copy books and have to write on slates, especially as we have no Dictation |
The number of scholars present daily was never so high since the opening of the school, and we were never worse off for books and other things with which to keep the scholars at work. It is now over six weeks since I applied for books &c. |
Nov 17 |
Taught a round of three voices “Gilde along”. |
Nov 20 |
Admitted 4 new scholars. Visited by Mr. Hudson, Asst. Inspector of Factories and workshops on Nov 17. |
Nov 23 |
P.T.1 remained at home today. He will be absent from school for some little time on account of scarlatina being in the house. |
Nov 27 |
Admitted two new scholars. A few of the infants are leaving, on account of the winter, but as a few are from time to time being admitted, the number of scholars on the books does not diminish. |
Nov 30 |
Closed school for half a day the first time since the summer holidays/ |
Dec 4 |
Visited by the Sec. |
Dec 6 |
P.T.1 still off duty; he will however, all being well, be present on Monday next. |
Dec 8 |
The attendance keeps up remarkably well. |
Dec 11 |
Admitted two new scholars. |
Dec 15 |
Examined all the Standards this week. The results were as good as could be expected under the circumstances. |
Dec 18 |
Very wet this morning; thin attendance in consequence. |
Dec 22 |
Closed school this afternoon for the Xmas holidays. School duties will be resumed on Monday morning Jan 8 1877. |
1877 |
Jan 8 |
Resumed school duties this morning. The attendance is as good 118 being present in the morning and 135 in the afternoon. Admitted two scholars. |
Commenced teaching Geography and Grammar in the third division second Standard. P.T.1 takes them in both subjects. |
Jan 10 |
Standard II seemed very much interested this afternoon when the P.T. was taking them in Geography. Judging from the present, they will become as proficient in Geography and Grammar as the Standard II of last year, though the present Standard II are with the exception of some half-timers, small scholars. |
Jan 11 |
Several children absent this afternoon. The reason is that there is a great “stir” in the place today polling for, and against a School Board. |
Jan 15 |
Admitted one scholar. |
Jan 18 |
Find it very awkward to carry on the work of the school, with such a want of books &c. It is impossible to meet the requirements of the Code. |
The following entry should have been made on Dec 22 1876:- |
Wrote notice of resignation of office of master of this school; and sent same, to the Committee. |
Jan 19 |
Taught a song, which was sung for a little while, three years ago “The Choristers”. |
Jan 22 |
Mr. Wilkins came in and stayed a few minutes in the morning. |
Jan 26 |
Average attendance for month ending this date, 127·7. |
Jan 29 |
Absent today. P.T.1 had charge of the school. |
Jan 30 |
Very stormy this morning, thin school. |
Feb 2 |
Examined the infants in writing. Tested them individually on blackboard with chalk. Found that the bigger scholars in this division could manage pretty well, the majority, however, are not yet able to make letters from dictation. |
The attendance during the week thinner than usual. |
Feb 6 |
The attendance is much better than was the case last week. |
Feb 7 |
The number of scholars present seems still to increase. This renders it a very difficult matter to carry on the work with such a lack of apparatus. |
Feb 9 |
Examined all the standards during the week. The results are much better than I expected, considering the great disadvantage at which we have had to work viz. a want of books and slates. |
Feb 12 |
Thin attendance in the morning owing to the weather very rainy. |
Feb 13 |
Admitted six scholars this morning. |
Feb 19 |
Admitted two scholars. P.T.1 absent all day. |
Feb 20 |
Very stormy this morning thin school in consequence. P.T.2 absent all day on account of being unwell, and the morning being so stormy. |
No sewing this afternoon, Mrs. H. being unable to leave home. |
Feb 21 |
No sewing again, Mrs. H. being still unable to leave this house. |
Feb 22 |
No sewing for the same reason. The attendance is very good. |
Feb 26 |
Thin attendance this morning, owing to a heavy snow storm. |
Mar 2 |
Practised singing several songs taught during the past. Pleased with the singing. |
Mar 5 |
P.T.1 absent all day. |
Mar 9 |
Thin attendance in the first and second divisions this afternoon, on account of the election of members of School Board. |
Mar 15 |
Examined the standards in paperwork. Found a little improvement. |
Mar 20 |
Visited this morning by Mr. Wilkins. |
Mar 22 |
Several children are absent on account of illness, - having swollen necks and faces. P.T.2 absent today. |
Mar 23 |
P.T.2 is still off duty, having accidentally sprained his leg. |
Examined the whole school this week. The results were as good as could reasonably be expected, considering the disadvantages with which we have had to contend. |
Mar 29 |
Closed school this morning for Easter holidays. Duties will be resumed on Monday Apr 9. |
The three months notice given to the managers at Xmas terminates with this date (for 31st). Was presented this morning by the scholars with a handsome inkstand as a token of their affection. |
Have held the office of master of this school for 5 years, having been master since the opening of the school on Apr 8. 1872. [Mr Hustwaite] |
The School is now a Board School
Apr 9 |
Commenced duties of this school 180 names enrolled on the books, the great majority being boys. |
One of the managers (W. Packwood) was present for two hours to give any information required. |
Examined Standards I, II & III in reading & arithmetic & found Standard I to be very backward in both subjects, 50 of them being infants. |
Did not alter Time Tables but kept the 2 pupil teachers moving from class to class so that I might myself be engaged some time with each class. |
Apr 10 |
Adopted plans of taking Pupil Teachers and Mathematics in the mornings from 8.30 to 9 & hearing their Home Work from 4.30 to 5. |
Found Standard I very backward in reading & spelling on account of not having a proper set of books. |
Adopted plans of saying Tables whilst marching instead of singing, in order that Standard I & II might gain a little assistance from the upper Standards. |
Apr 11 |
W. Packwood was again present at the opening of the school. |
Apr 12 |
Examined Standard I in Dictation & found only two passed. |
Examined Infants in Alphabet & found them well prepared. |
Apr 13 |
Singing this afternoon (Friday) from 3 to 4, marching tunes sung exceedingly well. Heard Infants sing three songs separating done very satisfactorily. |
Average attendance week ending Apr 13 119·8. |
Apr 15 |
Abner Colson & Charles Hewitt commence their duties as Candidates this morning To be examined at Northampton on Saturday Apr 28th. |
Apr 16 |
Three of the members of the School Board, Mr Denton, Mr Butcher, Mr Knight, visited the school this afternoon 149 children were present. |
Apr 17 |
Fifth Year P.T. absent from school this afternoon on account of the death of an uncle. |
Apr 19 |
No sewing this afternoon Mistress away from home. |
Apr 20 |
Taught a new song this afternoon Hard times come again no more. |
Apr 23 |
Average attendance last week 122. Mr. Packwood visited school this morning to ascertain number of children on books under & over seven. Under seven 55. Over seven 112. |
Apr 24 |
Examined Standards IV, V & VI in Arithmetic this morning. Found Standard IV very backward in Weights & Measures. |
Standard I is improving very favourably in Arithmetic, especially in numeration. Still very backward in Tables & Reading. |
Apr 25 |
Took 1st Class in Recitation this morning & found them well prepared in their repetition but very backward in the allusions. |
Spent the Grammar half hour in going over some of the allusions with them. |
Apr 26 |
Copy of Medical Certificate respecting Candidates:- |
I certify that I have examined Abner Colson & Chas Hewitt, & find that they are not subject to any infirmity likely to interfere with profession of teacher. J. Crew Surgeon |
Apr 27 |
Hear P.T.s Home Lessons & supplied them with all necessaries for exam on following day. |
Apr 30 |
Admitted 12 new scholars, eight of them being infants. Friday being the last day on the old Registers this is the commencement of the next years attendance. Average for week ending Apr 27, 119·6. |
May 3 |
Mr Packwood visited the school this morning & examined the Admission register. Asked him to send to the Department for another Examination & Duplicate Schedule. |
Examined Standard III in Arithmetic today, found them very backward. |
May 4 |
Have held office of Master of this school for 1 month, commencing Apr 9th & ending May 4th. |
May 7 |
Took charge of this school The time being so short before the inspection, the lessons were not altered in any way. Mr Knight & Mr Denton paid a visit. Gave a collective geography lesson. |
May 8 |
Went round to the various Classes brushing them up in their subjects. |
May 9 |
The school was examined today by Mr Simpson. The number present in the Standards III Infants 52 Total 163. |
May 10 |
Brought out from the infant department all over 6 years of age to form Standard I. Attendance good. |
May 11 |
Average attendance for the week 78 + 56 = 134. |
May 14 |
A board meeting in the evening at which Mr & Mrs Wood were appointed Master & Mistress of this School. |
May 15 |
Admitted two scholars. |
May 16 |
Charles Hewitt away today having a severe cold his sister came to assist. |
May 17 |
The pupil teacher still away taught the 5th Standard a new rule in arithmetic. |
May 18 |
Received 12 books, registers for half-timers. Broke up for the Whitsuntide holidays. |
May 28 |
A separate infant school opened in the school room in connection with the Wesleyan Chapel Mr Wood in charge. Admitted two new scholars Thomas Knight & Annie Smart. |
May 29 |
Taught Standard IV a new rule in Arithmetic. Mr Wilkins paid a short visit. The pupil teacher Charles Hewitt away ill. Several scholars away in the afternoon. |
May 30 |
Impressed upon the children the importance of punctuality. |
May 31 |
Mr Curry H.M.I. called today & inspected the school. He also visited the infant school. |
June 1 |
The average attendance for the week: 82 in the mixed school & 63 infants. |
June 4 |
A number of girls away in the upper Standards. The P.T. Charles Hewitt away ill. A cricket match in the afternoon was the cause of several boys being away. |
June 5 |
A new stock of apparatus for the infant school and some for this school. |
June 6 |
Supplied new arithmetic books to the 4th & 5th Standards. |
June 7 |
Received the schedule went through the classes, arranging the children according to their standards. |
June 8 |
Average attendance for the week 83 in the mixed school, 62 infants. |
June 11 |
Charles Hewitt still away a meeting of the board this evening |
June 12 |
Hewitt inform Mr. Knight who informed me that a sewing mistress had been engaged to commence duties next week. |
June 13 |
Boy warned in school today. Notes to several who were absent. |
June 14 |
Had the stress of teaching of the Arithmetic of Standards 3 & 4. O.J. (1) working well today. Charles Hewitt still away from duties. |
June 15 |
Gave twenty minutes for …. today. Stock went very heartily. Average attendance this month 84. |
June 18 |
O.T. (2) performed his duties today. Very hot in school today. The children were restless on account of the heat. |
June 19 |
Mrs. Dickens commenced duties as sewing mistress. The staff meetings will take the whole of Wednesday afternoon. |
June 20 |
(Unreadable) |
June 21 |
Colson away + Harry Warren. Took a short time for singing. Taught them a new song. The school working well. |
June 22 |
Had to reprimand some boys for carrying an infirm person while at their play- Tried to point out to the school how mean and cowardly such conduct is and laid down a rule in regard to it. |
June 25 |
A large number of children away today. Can see no reason for this except the holiday keeping in the neighbouring village. |
June 26 |
Employed William Clarke and Frederick Corby as monitors today. |
June 27 |
Mrs. Dickens took the half time girls for sewing. Sent absentee papers to those away today. Fifth and Sixth Standards took recitations today. |
June 28 |
Gave Standards Four and Five sums this day on the questional form, they had not succeed very well from want of practice. School working well. |
June 29 |
The whole time girls took sewing today. |