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Alfred Street School
The school in Alfred Street in 2005 canteen, Duck St
The school in Alfred Street in 2005.
Original building & master's house was badly damaged in the great fire of 1901 & in 1940.
The College Street view.

right - Canteen in Duck St - undated

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Log Books — General School & Alfred Street Board School
Mixed then Boys' School
Girls' School
Mixed School

 Mixed again from 1914 but next Log Book starts May 1916

Alfred Street schools
This photograph has been sent to us by email. It shows the whole school and grounds with outbuildings, and was taken on 25th May 1985. At the back of the playground the outside toilet block was still standing.

College street was still a two-way street for traffic, and Cave's/Eaton's factory is still standing (bottom of picture). The roof in the left hand bottom corner is the Post Office.

The land to the right is now a grassed area and the playground areas are combined.

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