The Old Rectory has a date stone of 1696 with initials C L - for Charles Livesay, Rector of St Mary's from 1694-1702. In the 1870s John Thomas Barker was rector and he built a new rectory house in Back Lane. That road then became known as Rectory Road. [It was the gift of Elliot F. Barker Esquire, of Whitby]
Glebe Terriers were documents drawn up describing the lands held by the Rectory, and a description of the property or properties belonging to the Church, and tithes payable to the Rector.
We copied a bundle of photocopies of some of these Terriers dating from the 1700s and have transcribed several. There is a terrier of the Rectory House. |
A Sale in 1819
Taken from a document written in 1850, but author unidentified:
The Parsonage is situated in the upper, or southern part of the village, on rather an elevated site, and is inhabited by the Rev. G. E. Downe. It is a snug thatched building: and being genteely fitted up within, is rendered a commodious residence. The western portion, which is lower than the principal building, is a comparatively modern addition. |
In 1879 Edwin Knight conveyed the property to William Attenborough of Irchester Lodge, agreeing to a redemption fee of £400. On 19th December1889 an agreement was made between William Attenborough and Edwin Knight to sell the property to Fred Knight boot & shoe manufacturer, son of Edwin, for £750, with the £400 now being paid to William Attenborough and the remaining £350 to Edwin Knight for:-
All that messuage or tenement formerly known as the Rectory House of Rushden with the gardens and lands (being formerly part of the Glebe) thereunto belonging or appertaining the area whereof containing in the whole three roods and 23½ perches little more or less situate at Rushden aforesaid and bounded on the North by lands of John Sherwood on the South by the Baptist Meeting House Grounds on the East by a Lane now called Park Road and on the West by Little Street in Rushden aforesaid.
On the 21st December 1889 Fred Knight took a mortgage of £1250 from Sarah Hipwell, widow of Olney, Thomas Eyles a retired grocer of Olney, William Hawkins, farmer of Emberton and Arthur William Hipwell, brewer of Olney for:-
All that messuage or tenement known as "The Old Rectory House" with the yard garden out buildings and appurtenances belonging thereto situate and being in Little Street in Rushden And also all that Factory or Warehouse adjoining or near to the said messuage or tenement All which said hereditaments and premises were then in the occupation of the said Fred Knight and with the site of the said messuage factory and buildings contain 3 roods and 24 perches were the same a little more or less .........
The plans for the Factory had been passed in April 1889 and it was a fine building. In 1897 major changes were made to the part of the Old Rectory fronting Little Street, and the whole roof was stripped of thatch and tiled.
The mortgage was paid off in June 1917 to Arthur William Hipwell.
The oldest part of the building (built 1696) - photographed in 2009.
The porch is a recent addition. The front of the property was remodelled in
1897, and extended, by Fred Knight who also built his shoe factory behind.
It was then called The Old Rectory, a new Rectory having been built
in Back Way in 1871. The road was renamed Rectory Road.
This property is now called Greystones (2009).
(right) A plan showing how the property was divided in 1933.
Extract from a note book of J.E.Smith
NRO Ref: 285P/300 (from a locally held copy)
1869 February 11th. The "Rectory House" sold. Bought by Mr John Gross for £500.
This is where Mr Fred Knight now lives up Little Street (1927). Mr Knight told me he bought it of Mr Gross.
Fred Knight and his wife Marcia with their children near the porch
of the Old Rectory - courtesy of Clive Wood
Fred married Marcia Bradfield in 1877 and they had five children, Robert born 1880, Jessie born 1881, Harold born 1883, John born 1885 and Arthur born 1886. |
The Old Rectory c1914. It was extended in 1897 by Fred Knight .
He also owned the shoe factory on the land behind.
This photograph shows the large extended front which was built by Fred Knight in 1897; the rear part of the building being the oldest surviving part of the Old Rectory.
In 1933 the building was purchased by Mrs Annie Mather. Part of it was used from then until February 1940 as a maternity home and many babies were born there.
The house was divided into two and sold in 1951.
In the foreground of this picture, is a garden constructed in 1908, after some small stone cottages were demolished. It was built at Fred Knight's expense, to a design by the town surveyor, Mr William Madin, and after Fred died it was tended as a memorial to him. [2015 only 2 trees remain]
The gable walls are built in horizontal courses of stone to the upper floor level, with randomly laid stone above upto the ridge.
The date stone from the other gable end (south) clearly showing the random stone construction.
(left) The gable end (north) showing how high the ground of the neighbouring garden is.
The Wellingborough News Friday 2 June 1916, transcribed by Nicky Bates
Rushdenites Fine Batting
R F Knight, of the Old Rectory, Rushden, in playing on the Grange Cricket Ground, Edinburgh, on Monday, for his regiment, 28th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, going in first, made 103 runs (not out). His side declared with a score of 164 for five wickets. The opposing team was one from one of His Majesty's ships.
The porch has been changed.
The Old Rectory today (2009). The building behind called Greystones
being the oldest part surviving, built in 1696, for Reverend Livesay.
The gardens
The Wellingborough News Friday 2 June 1916, transcribed by Nicky Bates
Rushdenites Fine Batting
R F Knight, of the Old Rectory, Rushden, in playing on the Grange Cricket Ground, Edinburgh, on Monday, for his regiment, 28th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, going in first, made 103 runs (not out). His side declared with a score of 164 for five wickets. The opposing team was one from one of His Majesty's ships.
Nurse Ann (Nancy) Mather ran a maternity home as 'Brookfield' at 155 Wellingborough Road. When she left there, in 1932, she ran a mother and baby home, here at The Old Rectory in Little Street, and renamed it as Brookfield Nursing Home. She left here in 1940 and took the position of Nurse at Wicksteed Park, where she remained until retirement.
The premises were sold to a director of the Central Electric Company, and remain in private occupation