Extract from Council Meeting Feb 1936:
Captain Resigns
In a letter dated February 3 Mr. R. F. Knight wrote as follows:
“It is with much regret that I now have to advise you that on April 1st next I shall have to resign from my position as Chief Officer of the Rushden Fire Brigade. My only reason for taking this step is that on the above date my business will necessitate my leaving Rushden.
“After the very long period of nearly 60 years, during which my late father and I have been associated with the Brigade, I can assure you it is a matter of very sincere regret that I now have to sever my connection with the Brigade. It is, however, gratifying to know that on account of the foresight and generosity of the Council in supplying the Brigade with up-to-date equipment, and also the energy and enthusiasm that has always been rendered by every member of the Brigade, I am able to report to you that everything connected with the Brigade is in a very satisfactory state.
“As stated in my report for the year 1935, there certainly is an urgent need for a new combination motor pump and escape, and if this extra equipment can be supplied, I can confidently say the Brigade will be in a position successfully to cope with any outbreak of fire which may occur.
“I should like to take this opportunity of thanking the Council, and its officers, for the kind consideration and attention that has always been given to everything pertaining the Brigade during the many years that my late father and I have been connected with it.”
The letter was formally referred to the Fire Brigade Sub-Committee.