Rushden Echo, 18th August 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
The wounded soldiers at the Higham Ferrers V.A.D. Hospital were entertained yesterday at The White House, Rushden, by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Knight. The soldiers were accompanied by Mrs. T. Patenall (Mayoress of Higham Ferrers and matron of the hospital), Miss B. Patenall, Sister Greenwood, and Nurse Parker, and in the evening the Mayor of Higham Ferrers joined the party. Arrangements had been made for tea to be served on the lawn, but the heavy rains made this an impossibility, so the tea was partaken of indoors. The evening was spent in music, games, etc., and a very happy time was enjoyed by all.
Rushden Echo, 13th October 1916
The Winner of the competition held in connection with the recent Red Cross Fete for a satin eider down quilt kindly given by Mr. J. F. Knight, of the White House, Rushden, is Mr. H. Daniels, of Westfields, Higham Ferrers.
The competition was supervised by Mr. H. H. Hobbs.
As a result of the competition the funds will be swelled by upwards of £10, including a donation of 5/0 from Mr. A. H. Sartoris. The draw took place on Saturday at Mr. George Miller’s shop, and the winning number was drawn from the churn by Miss Miller.
BD 1039 - this picture comes with a caption "at the White House"
Rushden Echo, January 11th 1924
Campbell House School, Higham Ferrers. Spring Term commences Monday, Jan. 21st, and at 67 Grove-road, Rushden.