Rushden Echo August 1937, transcribed by Peter Brown
Notable Success for Rushden-Born Man - A Brilliant Career
The romantic story of a brilliant career lies behind the announcement which appeared in the London Press early this week, stating that this year the John Winholt prize for "an exercise on some subject related to the subject of a civil engineer'' had been awarded to Mr D W Ginns. B A., for his dissertation on "The mechanical properties of some metals and alloys broken at ultra high speeds."
Mr Ginns is the eldest son of Mr W Ginns, well-known blacksmith, of 8, High-street South, Rushden, and began his education at the South EndCouncil School. From there he won a scholarship to Wellingborough Grammar School and, afterwards, while studying in his spare time at the Coventry Technical Institute, was given the opportunity of sitting for the Whitworth Scholarship, passed, and was for four years at Emanuel College Cambridge, where he gained his B A.
Mr Ginns graduated in 1935, being placed in the first class of the mechanical science tripos that year, and is now on the staff of Imperial Chemical Industries Wilmington, Cheshire.
His two brothers are also showing promise of brilliant careers. Mr Harry Norwood Ginns is posted with the Ministry of Transport surveying staff in Surrey, and Mr Eric Ginns, the youngest is studying as a wireless operator in the Royal Air Force.