The Rushden Echo and Argus, 8th July 1949, transcribed by Jim Hollis
Mr. Stanley Livingstone Hunt
Printer’s Death He was 75 and had been in ill health for several years. Born at Reading, Mr. Hunt was apprenticed to printing there and came to Rushden about 1904, working for C. G. Jowitt at the “Argus” office and for the late Mr. A. T. P. Phillipson, whose business he acquired in 1916, afterwards moving from Coffee Tavern Lane to the present premises in George Street. He specialised in magazine work and produced a great number of religious publications. For 23 years a deacon of Rushden Park Road Baptist Church, Mr. Hunt was honoured in 1942 by election as a life deacon. He was a member of the Northamptonshire Baptist Association, served many churches and several denominations as a local preacher for more than forty years, and was secretary of the London City Mission’s Rushden Auxiliary for a similar period. For several years he was superintendent of the Higham Ferrers Baptist Mission. Mr. Hunt married Miss Elizabeth Sykes, of Rushden, who passed away six years ago. He leaves two sons, Messrs. Reginald and Donald Hunt, both of whom were with him in the printing business. The funeral will take place at Rushden to-day, with a service in Park Road Baptist Church at 2.30. |