Rushden Baptist Church in Park Road
The Church was built in 1901 and the
Old Baptist Church
or Top Meeting in Little Street was closed.
The New Church c1910
& in 2006
Laying the Memorial Stones 1900
Mr Reuben Clark
1959 Extension
Subscribers 1900
Mission - Higham Ferrers
Members 1960
Memorials inside the Church
Memorial Services WWI
1960 Year Book
Church Elders 1901
Sunday School Treat 1917
1966 Songs of Praise
Opening of the Church 1901
Life From Death - Sermon
Baptism Certificate 1911
Choristers 50 years
Sunday School Treats
Portrait Presented of G Philby
Dec. 1971 - Notes & Advertisers
Boys Brigade 1904
J L Clipson
Quin Jubilee 1972
Organ History
Bible Classes
1972 advertisers
Minister's Letter 1924
Organ Fund 1944
Brigades 1928
Wives Fellowship - 40th Anniversary
The Organ in 1949
Private Bruce Lack 1928
Memories - Peter Waring
The Manse
1930 Girls Brigade
Bowls Club
Deacons with dates they served
Boys Brigade 1930s
1931 re-opening
Bible Class - Miss Williams' Letter
Rededication 2008
Village meetings
Poems by Hilda House
Jubilee 1951
Hymn by H Lack 1902
Sunday School Notes
Book published - 1951
Recreation Ground 1905
Band of Hope Festival
Ralph Martin retires 1981