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Rushden Echo & Argus, January 1949, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. John William Radburne

Prominent Freemason Dies
Mr J W Radburne

Mr. John William Radburne, of Rushden, one of the county's leading Free­masons, died at Northampton General Hospital on Saturday, the day after his relatives and friends had celebrated his 70th birthday with a dinner and dance.

Although he had suffered from ill-health for some time, Mr. Radburne had been seriously ill for only a few days, and he would not hear of the party being cancelled.

"He knew on Friday that he would not make it," said his daughter, Miss Margaret Radburne, this morning, "It was his express wish that we should carry on. We were popping in home every few minutes to see him and tell him how it was going."

A member of 28 Masonic Lodges, Mr. Radburne attended his last lodge, the Rose Croix Chapter, at Wellingborough on Thursday evening.

He was past master of the Pemberton Lodge, founder member and senior warden of the Risdene Lodge, treasurer of the Pemberton Chapter, treasurer of the Rose Croix Chapter, member of the Wendlynburgh Preseptory, past master of the Mark Master Masons, past commander of the Royal Ark Mariners, and other degrees.

Mr Radburne was the son of Mr William Radburne, who built the house at 151 High Street, Rushden, which he occupied for the greater part of his life.

Established Firm

Long before the first Great War he established the firm of leather dressers known as Radburne and Bennett, in Irchester Road, Rushden, which later became devoted to the manufacture of adhesives and other supplies for the boot industry.

He was also a director of Rushden District Gas Company.

Mr. Radburne had many other interests and his name appeared on the vice-presidential lists of many local organisations.

He was a staunch member of the Rushden Conservative Association.

A widow survives and there are two daughters, Mrs. C. A. Spencer and Miss Margaret Radburne.

Arrangements are being made for a full Masonic funeral—the first of its kind ever to be held in the town. The body will rest in the Masonic Hall on Wednesday night and a service will be conducted in the hall on Thursday by the Rev. P. L. Cattell, of Arthingworth (past provincial grand chaplain) and the Rev. Frederick Taylor, of Stanwick (chaplain of the Risdene Lodge).

Buried in Rushden Cemetery :


I.N.R.I. In loving memory of John William RADBURNE called to higher service January 15th 1949 aged 70 years. I am alpha and omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord. S.M.I.B. (vase) ---

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