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Rushden Argus, 27th February 1914, transcribed by Kay Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Percival

Married Fifty Years

Mr & Mrs PercivalThis well-known couple, Mr. and Mrs. Percival, of Rushden, celebrated their golden wedding in the Moor-road Schools on Saturday. There were 60 present, including sons and daughters, grand-children, and friends. All sat down to a very nice tea and supper, which was provided by their three daughters and sons. Mr Robins gave the wedding cake.

The couple have three married sons and nine grand-children in Australia, who sent them presents. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren presented the couple with a purse of money; they also had a very nice present from the Co-operative Women's Guild, of which Mrs. Percival was a member for several years. Mr. Frank Smith sang several songs, and after supper Mr. F. Smith proposed the health of Mr. and Mrs. Percival.

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