An Aristocrat Joins Rushden Council House Dwellers
Our Cartoonist, Mr. E. G. Wood, of Higham-road, Rushden, presents a series of problems in this week’s cartoon. When an aristocrat “comes down” to living in a Rushden Council housing estate he likes to take his environment with him and at once is presented with the problem of whether environment changes the individual or the individual changes the environment. It appears that “East is East and West is West and ne’er the twain shall meet.” Or if they do, in this case, they meet but do not mix.
When the aristocrat expected to change the habits of a community (we nearly said “China Town” as we have heard one housing estate called) he set himself a task,. The “kindly interest” displayed may be well intentioned, as of students wishing to learn how they should “carry on.” Incidentally the people in the middle of the scene probably feel most like “carrying on.” There are no byelaws to prevent spectators spectating even when the entertainment is so little intended for them. The prisoner at the bar may not feel the punishment is merited but that does not concern the kindly neighbours. All the same it might be well to remind them not to “torment the animals” in the “cage.”
Any more aristocrats who want to enjoy their al fresco teas are hereby warned not to choose a spot where they will invite so many self-appointed students.
Incidentally we do not believe that any Council Housing estate in Rushden can show such an audience all at one time.