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Rushden Echo & Argus, 22nd September 1944
Mr and Mrs J Wood

Married 63 years is the happy record of Mr. and Mrs. James Wood, of 118, Wellingborough-road, Rushden. They were married by the Rev. Canon Barker, at St. Mary's, Rushden, on September 26th 1881, and will therefore be celebrating next Tuesday.

The couple may well be Rushden's oldest, for the husband is 87 and wife 88.

Mrs. Wood (nee Sarah Ann Wood) was born in Rushden, and her grandfather was the first carrier from Rushden to Wellingborough using a donkey cart. Mr  Wood came from Gt Bookham, Surrey and was employed for several years at Rushden House by the late Mr. H W Currie. Later he was in business as Wood and Compton, boot manufacturers, and then worked for Messrs. Jaques and Clark. For many years he was verger at St. Peter's Church and a member of the Conservative Club.

Except that Mrs Wood has rheumatism, the couple remain in wonderfully good health. They have a son, Mr. W. G. Wood, of 94 Wellingborough-road, a grandson who is serving in France and a great-grandson. A daughter, Mrs. Tew died six years ago.

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