The above firm was established on September 16th 1910, by Mr. H. F. Jaques, and his father, Mr. J. Jaques, as manufacturers of Boys’, Youths’ and Men’s Medium Class Goods, and hold a good reputation for the production of Boots and Shoes of reliable hard wearing qualities. Prior to the War the firm was doing a fair export trade, but during the War have been largely engaged on Government work.
Mr John Spencer, J.P.
Mr A H Lawson
Twelve months ago Mr. H. F. Jaques (Managing Director), on his own initiative, joined His Majesty’s forces (Cpl., R.G.A.), leaving the entire management of the business to Mr. John Spencer and Mr. Arthur H. Lawson (Secretary), both capable men in their respective departments, and under their personal supervision, and keen attention to business, they have abundantly justified the confidence placed in them, and secured for the firm a widespread reputation for the production of a good sound article at a reasonable price.
Rushden Echo, 28th January 1916, transcribed by Gill Hollis
Promotion for Rushden Soldier
Gunner Harry F. Jaques, boot manufacturer, of Rushden, 59209, 4th Co. Royal Garrison Artillery, has been promoted to be bombardier. He is at Tynemouth castle, Northumberland, at the mouth of the River Tyne.
Rushden Echo, 26th July 1918, transcribed by Kay Collins
AN ACCIDENT occurred on Tuesday at the factory of Mr. James Jaques, Fitzwilliam-street, to Mr. E. Joyce, who, whilst working a press, had the misfortune to get his left hand on top of the knife, with the result that has lost the top of his thumb. Mr. Joyce, however, since the accident has made a plucky attempt to continue at work, but this (Friday) morning had to relinquish his good intentions in this respect, although he is making progress as satisfactorily as can be expected.