Robinson Bros.
Wholesale & Export Shoe Manufacturers
Eli Robinson was born in 1846, and married Elizabeth Willmott in 1869. By 1891 Eli and Elizabeth had four young sons, Walter, a clicker aged 18, Edward (baptised George Edward) aged 16, a rivetter like his father, Roland aged 8 and Sydney aged 5. Eli submitted plans to the council to make additions to his house in Grove Road in 1895, and to build a small factory in Manton Road.
The following year Eli had more plans drawn up for a house and shops on the corner of Grove Road and York Road in 1896. Walter was married in 1897 to Sarah Annie Carter, of Shawell, Leicestershire, and they were living in Manton Road.
In 1901 Elizabeth was managing a grocery shop at 50 Grove Road, but two years later James Britten had taken on the shop, and Eli and Elizabeth had moved to 60 Roberts Street. George Edward and his brother Walter were now well established as shoe manufacturers employing workers, trading as Robinson Bros. Their father was now a shoemaker, and Roland was a finisher, and their youngest brother Sydney was a baker. The brothers applied to make additions to their factory in Roberts Street in 1901, but no information of the original plan for the factory has been found. Elizabeth died in 1928 and Eli in 1931, and they are buried side by side in Rushden Cemetery Graves F363/4.