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CWS Factory - Office

Mr Frank Ballard was General Manager of the Co-operative Wholesale Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, at Rushden; he was for thirteen years General Manager at the Kettering Havelock Boot and Shoe Society before coming to Rushden.

Evening Telegraph, 27th July 1984, Nostalgia by Anne Bratley
Smart Set at CWS Factory - Office Photo – 1910 Style

The founder of a Rushden shoe firm, the late C K Woods, is pictured back in 1910 with some of his colleagues. They are the office staff from what was then the town's CWS Footwear Factory. A smart set they look too, with their hand-stitched shoes, stiff collars and impressive pocket watches. The picture has been loaned by C K Woods, who are based in North Street, Rushden. No other names of those in the picture are known, but no doubt some local families may recognise a grand­father or two among them.

Memories of Mr Herbert Packwood - written in 1988

C.W.S. Boot Factory Rectory Road, Rushden.
I was employed by the C.W.S. in August 192O. The new offices were being built by direct labour:

building the offices
The offices being built
W Wood is standing left of the
corner post above the gateway
Clerk of the Works Mr. Metcalf
Chief Cashier Mr. W. Durham
Chief Engineer Mr. T. Booth
Foreman, Mechanic Mr. C. Goodman Senr
Foreman Ganger Mr. M. Snow
Foreman Carpenter Mr. W. Wood
Foreman Electrician Mr. Gedney
Factory Manager Mr. L Tysoe

The C.W.S. at this time built a Corset factory in Wellingborough, also a Boot Factory in Northampton to which I was transferred in 1927 returning to Rushden in 1934. The C.W.S. and other factories had their own Gas Plants making gas for their own engines. Mr. Carl Bailey who worked for C. Horrells was unfortunately asphyxiated while repairing the retorts in 1922.

At the C.W.S. a steam whistle was blown to commence and finish work, this was stopped at the outbreak of the war. 1939.

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