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On 21st March 2009, Rushden & District History Society put up a plaque to commemorate the work of Alice Unwin Muxlow and it was unveiled by Mayor Barbara Jenney.
The plaque is on the house where she had lived, 103 Newton Road, when she moved to Rushden with her husband who was the manager of the Midland Bank.
Alice worked tirelessly throughout the war leading a team of Women's Voluntary Service workers who looked after many aspects of social work and welfare. They also made the arrangements for the evacuees who arrived here during WWII. Alice was also the first lady chairman of the Council in 1946.
Mrs Muxlow's grandson, Tom attended the celebration, who, having only just returned to England from Poland, had just a few days' notice of the event.
The picture shows Dr & Mrs Hadden, Barbara Jenney, Margaret Shelton (RDHS Chairman) and Tom Muxlow.
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This plaque was unveiled on October 3rd 2010 in memory of the 70th anniversary of the bomb that fell on Alfred School and of the seven children who were killed. Many pupils who had been in school that day attended the unveiling, and following the memorial service, some photographs were taken of them. |
Local historian Eric Fowell gave a slide show of “Views of Old Rushden”, and also sold commemorative pillowlace bobbins, to raise funds to enable the Amenities Society to put up a blue plaque to commemorate the first Salvation Army Hall or “barracks.” The hall (extreme left below) was built in 1888 on the corner of Queen Street and Rectory Road, (just five years after the Army was established in Rushden).
In 1947 it was to be demolished all except one wall, for the widening of Rectory Road. The piece of land remining after the road work was made into a garden.
A blue plaque was affixed to the wall that remained in October 2010.
The Salvationists moved to the old Congregational Church in Church Street in 1947. |
Another Amenities Society plaque was unveiled on 16th May 2012, on 15 Essex Road, to show that H E Bates lived there from 1914 until his marriage in 1931. H E and Madge made their home at Little Chart, Kent. [see also 5 in Blue Plaques part 1] |
John Harrison was born at Bozeat on 15th October 1888, son of Arthur and Martha, living in High Street.
In 1907 Jack joined the Army, and when he left in 1910 he came to Rushden to live with his parents at 12 West Street.
He won the Lonsdale belt in 1912. Joining up again to serve in WWI, he continued to box in the army. After the war he had a successful boxing career, before returning to work for Rushden Urban Council.
Always known as Jack, he died in 1970 aged 82.
This Blue Plaque to commemorate Jack's boxing career was unveiled on October 27th 2012.
This plaque was affixed to the Railway Inn, by
J D Wetherspoon to commemorate the inn's history, and their 2011 refurbishment.
A memorial with a drinking fountain was installed in 1889 at the foot of the Green, to commemorate those who founded the Temperance Society.
The stone work of the War Memorial was cleaned in 2013, and the Temperance Memorial was also cleaned and the brickwork was then repointed. The drinking fountain had been removed about fifty years earlier.
In October 2013 the Amenities Society installed a blue plaque over the original lettering, which was heavily worn, repeating the inscription.
On May 10th 2014 family members of the Ginns and the Guinee families came to Rushden to unveil a plaque to Ginns' blacksmiths. Although somewhat blustery, the rain held off for the ceremony. Chairman of Rushden & District History Society, Theresa Clark, read a short history before the unveiling, and after taking photos, the party adjourned to the Salvation Army Community room for tea and cake.
Family members unveil the plaque
This plaque was unveiled by Derek Elmer, grandson of the first named on the plaque, on the 75th anniversary of the bomb that devastated the mid part of Roberts Street.
Derek Elmer unveils the plaque
A ceremony for the unveiling this road sign was organised by the Royal British Legion, Rushden Branch, and took place on 3rd March 2016, to commemorate Bernard Vann V.C. who died 100 years ago. |
On Saturday 21st May 2016, a plaque depicting the history of Rushden Hall, was erected by Rushden & District History Society to celebrate its 25th Anniversary. Society member Clive Wood unveiled the plaque in front of Rushden Hall.
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On Sunday 25th March 2018 was unveiled to commemorate the centenary of the death of Walter Tull, who was lodging in Rushden before he joined up. This plaque was also erected by Rushden & District History Society. |
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Bernard Vann Day - Saturday 29th September 2018
This stone was laid in the Memorial Garden to commemorate the 100th anniversary of his death.
Later in the year, RDHS put another plaque into the memorial garden with details of the War Memorial.
On the 2nd of October 2020, without due ceremony, due to 'Covid' restraints, a few members of the History Society met to commemorate this plaque being affixed to the wall of the Wilko Store, in College Street.
The plaque commemorated four men killed as a result of the bombing on 3rd October 1940, so it was erected for the 80th anniversary of the devastation it had caused.
The four men worked in the boot factory of John Cave & Sons, and were Stanley George Clark aged 28, Reginal Morris Hall aged 31, Horace George Sanders aged 56, and Frank James Pricket aged 35.
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On March 22nd 2022 Rushden & District History Society erected a Blue Plaque to commemorate the George Cross awarded to Dennis Arthur Copperwheat, in 1942. Dennis had lived in Park Avenue for several years. |