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Private Schools

Northampton Mercury, 26 June 1858

Ladies' School
Rushden Hill, near Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire.

Mrs. Adcock

Begs to acknowledge the kindness of those Friends who have entrusted her with the Education of their Children and to inform them that after the Midsummer term she will have ample accommodation for a few Additional Pupils. She can unconditionally ensure the comforts of Home combined with careful Instruction in the usual branches of a liberal education. Her Pupils will Re-Assemble on Tuesday July 22.

Northampton Mercury, 15 Dec 1866 

COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, RUSHDEN VILLA, RUSHDEN, Northamptonshire, Conducted by Mr. G. WALKER, Late Head Master of the Harris Madrusa, Madras.
THE above School will be
Opened for Pupils preparing for Professional or Commercial Pursuits,
on Monday January 28th 1867.

Rushden Villa is situated in a healthy locality, and specially adapted to furnish a Home for the Sons of Europeans in India.

Terms and references on application.

1871 the school at Rushden Villa is in Duck Street.
George born 1830 Wellingborough and his wife Anne born Heaton Norris LAN, three children born Madras, and Eleanor M age 2 born Rushden.

The pupils listed :

Watkin O Sanders, age 11, son of Jn of Wollaston
Samuel T G Oko, 15 born Peterside Bonny AFR
John Savage age 12, born Cheadleheath CHS
James Ousey age 13, born Heaton Norris LAN
John H Clark age 12, born Isham NTH
Thomas Bennet age 10, born Stockport CHS
Ellis O Bower age 10, born Stockport CHS
Note: By 1881 the family left Rushden. Anne and the children were living in Wellingborough, but no sign of George, although Anne is noted as married, not widowed, so perhaps George had returned to India. Anne is still in Wellingborough in 1891.

Extract from a note book of J E Smith Mr Walker who kept a private Boys School in Mr John Claridge’s house, Skinners Hill. This was in 1873-4-5 as I went thro’ to Souldrop. I saw a black boy amongst the others and Mr John Pendred, Auctioneer, of Wellingborough told me he attended Mr Walker’s School & he was there when Lady Robinson was married, eldest daughter of the late F. U. Sartoris Esq. of Rushden Hall, because Mr Pendred told me that he, with the boys, helped to decorate the Church for the wedding, that was when the hand of Goddard Pemberton (tomb on North wall of Pemberton Chapel) got broken off by a person who was trying to see the wedding, the Church was very full, he took hold of hand, it broke.

Joseph Enos Smith. Written here Sat. March 26, 1927.

Wellingborough & Kettering News 17/01/1890, transcribed by Peter Brown

Higham Ferrers - GRAMMAR SCHOOL — We hear that the Grammar School is to be re-opened at an early date by Mr. Smith [Percy M Smith], who has an establishment at Rushden.

Advert 1890

Ferndale, Higham End, Rushden.

Young Ladies & Little Boys' School

Principal: Mrs. Chapman

English, French (conversational), Drawing, Painting (South Kensington).

Terms very moderate.

1891 advert

Fern Dale - 14 Higham Road

Built 1880

Rushden Argus, 10th March 1893


Rushden Echo, 28th April 1899, transcribed by Kay Collins

Mr A G C VANN, B.A. Oxon.

Begs to inform the inhabitants of RUSHDEN and

DISTRICT that he has made arrangements

To open the

Rushden Grammar School and
High School for Girls

For the Michaelmas Term 1899

Mr Vann will be pleased to furnish particulars.

Extract from obituary ......... Mr. J. E. Smith had a schoolroom built for Mrs. Smith on the Wellingborough-road, Rushden, and it was there that the well-known Kindergarten school was begun. Mrs. Smith worked up an excellent institution, and afterwards moved to the Kindergarten school, Moor-road, having been Principal for over 20 years. During her illness the school has been conducted by Mrs. Westley, a former pupil.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 26th February 1937

Eastfields High School
'Phone: Rushden 437

Boys—MR. J. T. DAY

New Premises—12 Acres of Grounds
Sound, Modern Education in Happy, Healthy Surroundings.
Prospectus on Application.

Rushden Echo & Argus, 4th February 1938

Eastfields High School for Girls

155 Wellingborough Road, Rushden
Phone: Rushden 519

Principals: Mrs G Hodgkins, George Hodgkins B.A. (Hons.)

A Day and Boarding School for Girls.
Kindergarten and Nursery Schools (from 2years).
Boys up to 7 years.

Staff of trained Nurses and Teachers.

Fees: Nursery from 2 guineas, over 5 years from 3 guineas.
For information and prospectus apply to the Headmistress.

Eastfields School, Victoria Rd.,

Rushden ’Phone 437
Headmaster: A W Hunt, B.A. (Hons.)

Standing in 12 acres of grounds, this Day and Boarding School for boys provides a sound general education and preparation by a staff of university graduates for all school examinations. Separate playing fields for seniors and juniors. Preparatory classes for boys under eight. Facilities for meals for boys from a distance. Graded scale of inclusive fees from 3 guineas a term. Prospectus and particulars from the Headmaster, who will be pleased to make an appointment at a convenient time.

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